The Jigokuraku manga getting an anime adaptation has been highly anticipated among fans. Jump Festa 2022 became the perfect occasion for its official reveal. The anime was first announced in January 2021 and the wait has been worthwhile, with new updates on the anime revealed during Jigokuraku Jump RED Stage on Day 2.
Highlights of Jigokuraku Jump RED Stage
The Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku Jump Festa 2022 event featured a panel of Yoshikawa Kitchomu, Haruna Iikubo, and Sekai from the Japanese band FANTASTICS from EXILE TRIBE. They discussed the characters of the series, certain manga panels, as well as fan-recommended battles.
There are several significant spoilers, but for those who haven’t checked out the manga yet, the panel chooses the battles to reinforce the fantastic art style of the Hell’s Paradise manga.
Both grotesque and fascinating, author and illustrator Yuji Kaku treads the fine line that makes or breaks a dark manga like this and does it masterfully. Kaku also conveys a brief message regarding the new anime adaptation. The panel also briefly discusses Yuji Kaku’s current and ongoing project after Jigokuraku, titled Ayashimon.
Key visual and teaser
The Jigokuraku RED stage fulfilled its promise and released the first key visual for the new anime. The key visual features the two main characters, Gabimaru and Sagiri, with Gabimaru being reflected on Sagiri’s blade. The art is minimalist and clean and the dark background makes the characters stand out beautifully.
The event also released the first teaser of the Jigokuraku anime, animating some of the manga panels discussed by the panel earlier during the stage. The series has a fair amount of violence and nudity. Although toned-down, the teaser suggests that the anime will probably get an 18+ rating.
Studio and release date
Jigokuraku Jump RED stage event does not stop here. While production under TWIN ENGINE was revealed during the first announcement for the anime adaptation, the teaser confirms that the studio in charge of animating this series is MAPPA.
However, this development has garnered mixed emotions, with some approving of MAPPA picking up the series and hoping that it will get a treatment similar to Jujutsu Kaisen. In contrast, others have complained that MAPPA has too much on its plate. They worry that the studio would either rush the series’ animation or put less effort into it because the anime is a new series.
While no exact release date has been decided, the anime has been confirmed to air in 2022.