Taking to the Green Stage of Anime Japan 2023, Hiroki Adachi aka Hero’s rom-com manga series, Horimiya, announced its return with a whole new anime adaptation, titled Horimiya -piece-.
A short and brief teaser was played before the event began, which showcased a compilation of the anime series.
The series' main and supporting voice cast, including Kouki Uchiyama and Haruka Tomatsu, took to the stage at the event. A brand new key visual was revealed featuring the two leads, Izumi Miyamura and Kyouko Hori. Although the series’ creator couldn’t join the event, he addressed fans via a short message to express his joy about the new project.
Horimiya -piece- will make its debut in July 2023
Although there was an end-to-end adaptation of the original manga series in 2021, it still didn’t cover the entirety of the manga. As announced by the official cast of the series, the manga still has some of the chapters left in between, which will be adapted into Horimiya -piece-.
Though it has not been revealed whether the new adaptation will be a sequel, given that it will cover the skipped stories, it is expected to be a spin-off.
Creator Hero and illustrator Hagiwara Daisuke also expressed their excitement about the new adaptation of the titular manga after two long years.
Here’s what Hero had to say about the new adaptation:
"Congratulations on the decision to broadcast the TV anime "Horimiya -piece-"! As one of the viewers, I am also looking forward to seeing Hori, Miyamura, and the others leading a different life from the previous series, as well as the ever-changing glittering world."
For Hagiwara Daisuke, the renowned director of the 2021 anime, the new project was a dream come true. Here’s how he expressed his delight:
"I can not bear the feeling of gratitude to have the opportunity to see the youth of Mr. Hori and others again in the anime. When I heard the production decision, I was so happy that I jumped. At the same time, what do you do when you run through until graduation!? I was panicked."
He further added:
"I thought it was a dream. It was not a dream. I have you take care of the work and make it in a nice form. I'm looking forward to it so much that I can not stop grinning from now on."
Horimiya -piece- will premiere in Japan in July 2023. More details regarding the new anime adaptation will be revealed subsequently. Fans can watch the original anime series that ran from January 10 to April 4, 2021, exclusively on Crunchyroll.