Hero’s four-panel series, Hori-san to Miyamura-kun, popularly known by Daisuke Aizawa’s manga adaptation title “Horimiya,” is finally returning with new chapters. The latest installments are revealed to be published in three issues in Gangan Comics' shonen manga magazine, Monthly GFantasy starting July 18, 2023.
The three chapters will be collected into the 17th volume, “A Piece of Memories.” The volume is said to feature new chapters and additional bonus content. As per Aizawa’s tweet, Hero will also release a special edition book, “Memorial Book Bonus Track,” with a new illustration.
The new chapters of Horimiya manga will likely look into the couple’s married life
Hero and Daisuke Aizawa have not yet revealed what will be covered in the upcoming chapters of the Horimiya manga. Although the manga's run ended in December 2011, the original plot might still be properly wrapped up. It was expected to be the series' conclusion when Kyouko and Izumi finally shared their feelings.
However, as there were a lot of unsolved confounding plotholes in the original storyline, fans were hopeful that Hero and Daisuke Aizawa would eventually resume the series to impart a fitting end.
The future chapters will likely center on the couple and their friends traveling on vacation, one of the recurring cliches in the slice-of-life series, as the main characters have finally graduated.
The story's progression has delighted devoted Horimiya manga readers all around the world, and they can't wait for the pair and the other characters to return.
As announced during Anime Japan 2023, the series is also getting a new anime adaptation, Horimiya -piece-, which will adapt the forgotten chapters of the original manga. Masashi Ishihama will return to direct the latest adaptation at Cloverworks studio.
Fans will be relieved to learn that all the previous staff and cast members are returning for the new installment. Horimiya-piece- is scheduled to air starting July 2023. The exact date is yet to be revealed.
The official synopsis of the manga by Yen Press reads:
At first glance, the ultra-popular Hori-san seems like a frivolous high school girl, but in reality, she's plain, pragmatic, and family-oriented. On the other hand, the bespectacled Miyamura-kun comes across as an average, gloomy high school fanboy, but he's actually an attractive young man who has a bad-boy streak and is covered in piercings and tattoos. When these two unexpectedly similar classmates have a random run-in outside of the classroom, a bubbly, sweet tale of school life begins!
More details about the new chapters and the anime adaptation will be revealed soon. Be sure to keep up with all anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.