The celebrated romantic manga series written by Hiroki Adachi (commonly known as Hero), Horimiya has made a comeback with a new chapter on July 30. While it was confirmed a few months ago that the manga, which ended back in 2021, was going to publish new chapters on July 18, this one, in particular, is going to continue the long-awaited College arc.
The romantic comedy following the adventures of high school students Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura (hence the title Horimiya as the combination of their names) recently had a new anime adaptation that started on July 1. Thus, it can be said that the franchise as a whole is making a much-welcomed comeback.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Horimiya series.
Two upcoming chapters of the Horimiya manga will continue with the events of the College arc
It has recently been confirmed that the Horimiya manga is will include additional chapters. While one of them has been released to mark the return of the manga, two more chapters will be published soon. This news complements what was already established a few months ago: that the manga was going to return after finishing publication in 2021 with new chapters and a new volume that was going to compile all the aforementioned chapters.
This is coupled with the release of the new anime adaptation that started on July 1, which follows suit the original series that ran from January to April 2021. Both adaptations were made by CloverWorks, although the second series has received a much more positive reception.
Aside from that, it has been announced that that these new chapters are going to focus on the long-awaited College arc, which has been hyped by the fandom for a few years now. This is great news for fans of the series as it is going to see a major development in the romantic journey of Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura.
The history of the series
Horimiya was initially published as a web manga by author Hiroki Adachi under the pseudonym Hero back in 2007, and it ran all the way to 2011. During that time period, the series went by the name "Hori-san to Miyamura-kun," which was eventually changed when artist Daisuke Hagiwara revamped the series in 2011, spawning 18 volumes until 2021.
However, regardless of publications, reinterpretations, and anime adaptations, the core of the story remains the same: Kyouko Hori is a bright and popular girl in school and ends up meeting a guy named Izumi Miyamura. At first, Miyamura seems like a lonely otaku without much going for him, which eventually proves not to be the case.
As Hori finds out the many different truths of Miyamura's character, including how he hides his piercings and tattoos, the two start to develop feelings for one another. The core of the series is them getting to know each other and developing their relationship through heartfelt and sometimes hilarious circumstances.