Insomniacs After School manga is one of the most well-known manga series since 2019. The manga, which has a drama and romance theme, follows the lives of two teenagers, one of whom is Ganta Nakami, an insomniac from the small city of Nanao. In the story, Ganta tries to nap in the deserted astronomical observatory at his school as he struggles to get any sleep.
However, as fate would have it, he happens to meet Isaki Magari, a bubbly and carefree young woman who also faces the same problem, inside the room. Soon, the two form a connection. Even though the manga appears to be full of romance and other surprises, it was revealed on Monday that the manga has officially been completed.
The manga's creator confirmed the information and fans weren't particularly pleased to hear the news. However, the author does have other plans which have lifted the spirits of the fans.
Insomniacs After School manga ends with a total of 125 chapters
It was announced on Monday, August 21, 2023, that the Insomniacs After School manga had come to an end. The manga's conclusion was officially announced by the series' author Makoto Ojiro. As the news spread, it was also revealed that the author already has plans for the next series. Makoto Ojiro is also known for other works such as Fujiyama-san wa Shishunki and Koibito Hachigo.
The 38th issue of Big Comic Spirits, released this year, contained the final chapter of the Insomniacs After School manga chapter 125. It brought the manga to an end with a total of 125 chapters. Beginning in May 2019, the Insomniacs After School manga was serialized weekly in Big Comic Spirits, a seinen manga publication from Shogakukan.
The Insomniacs After School manga has been collected into 14 volumes. The first of these was published by Shogakukan on September 12, 2019, and the thirteenth volume of the manga was published on June 12. However, since volume 14 is the manga's final volume, it was also disclosed that the final volume 14 is scheduled to be released in Japan on October 12, 2023.
Additionally, in June 2022, VIZ Media obtained an English language license for the Insomniacs After School manga and simulpublish the manga series online. The series served as the basis for a live-action movie that debuted on June 23, 2023, and a TV anime series that aired from April 11 to July 4, 2023.
Since Viz Media licenses the Insomniacs After School manga in English, here's how it describes it for those who haven't started reading it yet:
"Two sleepless teenagers find kinship as they escape to their school's astronomy observatory. Unable to sleep at night, Ganta Nakami is cranky in class and unpopular with his classmates. He discovers that the school observatory, once used by the now-defunct astronomy club, may be the perfect place for a nap—but he's not alone."
It continues:
"Fellow insomniac Isaki Magari is willing to share the observatory with Nakami, and a friendship between the two begins as they bond over the most unlikely of things. Dark rumors about what befell the members of the astronomy club keep people away from the school observatory, and that's what makes it the perfect sanctuary for Nakami and Magari to get some much-needed rest."
Fans appear to be satisfied with Insomniacs After School manga's ending now that it has finally come to an end. While fans were wondering what to read next, the author appeared to already have plans for the next series. As a result, fans can take a deep breath of relief. In addition, there is some good news, as there are rumors that the anime may get a second season. Fans can thus catch up on the manga or the anime until then.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga updates as 2023 progresses.