Following the release of the Jigokuraku anime teaser, MAPPA has finally decided to reveal the anime's character designs, ahead of their key announcements scheduled for Jump Festa 2023 on December 18, 2022.
Yuji Kaku's Jigokuraku: Hell's Paradise is a manga series that was serialized between January 22, 2018, and January 25, 2021. The series was made available on the Shonen Jump+ application and was later published into 13 tankobon volumes by Shueisha.
MAPPA releases Jigokuraku character designs ahead of key announcements
MAPPA revealed the character designs of seven characters from the Jigokuraku, including Gabimaru, Yamada Asaemon Sagiri, Aza Chōbei, Aza Touma, Yamada Asaemon Fuchi, Yuzuriha, and Gantetsusai Tamiya.
The cast members for the same will later be announced during the Jump Festa 2023 event set to take place on December 18, 2022. As for the character designs themselves, they have left fans in awe as their reactions speak volumes about their excitement.
Hell's Paradise anime set to reveal key announcements at Jump Festa 2023
From what has been revealed by the Jigokuraku anime's official Twitter page, the anime is set to reveal a total of five different announcements at Jump Festa 2023.
The announcements are set to include the main cast members of the seven characters mentioned above. Along with that, fans of the series can also expect information on the release window, alongside a possible new PV (Promotional Video) for the anime.
Hell's Paradise's event at Jump Festa 2023 is set to take place between 14:30 - 15:00 JST at the event's NEO booth. The cast members will also be present at the event as the same will also be available for live stream online.
A snapshot of Jigokuraku's storyline so far
The anime's protagonist, Gabimaru the Hollow, was a ninja from the Iwagakure Village, who was set up by a fellow ninja, following which he was sentenced to death row.
As he was tired of killing and being betrayed, he accepted his fate and wanted to die. However, no means of execution worked for him, which meant that Gabimaru wanted to live despite his refusal to admit it.
He wanted to meet his wife, a fact which Yamada Asaemon Sagiri took note of as she proposed an idea to him. She wanted Gabimaru to join her on an expedition to find the elixir of life on an island south of Japan. The Shogunate proposed that Gabimaru be granted a full pardon in exchange for his services.
The expedition, on the other hand, can be extremely difficult. While the island is thought to be paradise, it is also full of mystery, which could lead to an adventurer's death if they are not prepared to face the wilderness.