On January 20, Hasi released a humorous spin-off of Yji Kaku's manga Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku. The comedic manga mini-series based on Yji Kaku's Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku has the same title as the original series but uses hiragana rather than kanji. Its name is Hashi's Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku.
Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku, which shares the same name as the main series but is written in a different character style, adopts a more lighthearted tone for the narrative. The Osashi-written series has developed a devoted following in addition to luring readers who enjoy Gabimaru's narrative. The series is now over, leaving fans with mixed feelings, but with the anime adaptation of the original action manga, one may question where to read the spinoff series.
Jigokuraku Spinoff manga: Where to read, what to expect, and more
On January 20, hashi released the spinoff manga on Shonen Jump+. The main manga is being made available digitally by Viz Media through its Shonen Jump service, and Shueisha is doing the same through its MANGA Plus service. The manga is published in print by Viz Media, and the second volume was sent out on May 19.
In January 2018, Kaku published the manga on the Shonen Jump+ website and mobile application. On June 4, Shueisha published the tenth volume of a compilation work. The show is a kawaii/chibi-esque reworking of the main series that greatly emphasises comic relief elements that weren't as prominent in the original.
This offshoot of the manga series, which spans 21 chapters over a six-month period, is generally well-liked by followers of the original series. Fans will have to wait a little while before enjoying further spin-offs or learning about the world-building behind the plot, even though the anime's success may inspire more spinoff series or one-shots in the future.
What to expect from Hell's Paradise spinoff manga
The story resembles that of the original narrative although there is a more lighthearted tone and narrative decisions involved in this story. The main character of the manga is Gabimaru, who was previously hailed as the strongest ninja but has now abandoned his profession, breaking the rules of his tribe. He claims he has nothing left to live for after being apprehended.
But because of his superhuman training, he has unintentionally avoided being executed numerous times, including attempts at beheading and being burned at the stake. He is given a task to find the elixir of immortality by the executioner Sagiri Asaemon in order to secure his release from death row.
With the success of the original Jigokuraku: Hell's Paradise one can expect to see an anime adaptation of this story. However, there is nothing official in the works yet although fans can hope!