Wednesday, July 3, 2024 saw the official Shonen Jump YouTube channel upload a new video promoting the release of Jujutsu Kaisen’s 27th compilation volume in Japan. The video is notably shot in live-action, and features live action renditions of Takaba Fumihiko and Kenjaku during its roughly 30-second runtime.
The ad features Takaba teaching a class, seemingly about jujutsu sorcery based on his words, before asking a student to share something with the class. This prompts Kenjaku to enter and say something which clearly distresses or shocks Takaba. The video then ends on the student whom Takaba called on and another opening and reading the 27th volume of the manga series.
Jujutsu Kaisen volume 27 ad serves as a grim reminder of Kenjaku’s ultimate fate
The inclusion of Takaba and Kenjaku in this latest Jujutsu Kaisen manga volume advertisement stems from two major reasons. The first is that Takaba is on the cover of volume 27, making him a natural inclusion likewise. The second is that volume 27 will conclude Takaba and Kenjaku’s fight, which could also be why Takaba was so shocked to see Kenjaku at the end of the advertisement.
Unfortunately, currently available information doesn’t reveal who played Takaba and Kenjaku respectively in the trailer, but both do fantastic jobs. The actor playing Takaba specifically manages to capture his overall vibe and mannerisms in an impressive manner, which is something many fans are focusing on in comments. Fans are also praising Kenjaku’s actor, but to a lesser extent given his incredibly brief appearance in the advertisement.
Likewise, however, fans are also questioning if this could be the franchise’s way of preparing fans for a live action adaptation. While there are no rumors, let alone confirmed news, on one being announced or produced as of this article’s writing, it’s certainly a possibility. This is especially true following the recent successes of productions like Netflix’s One Piece and Yu Yu Hakusho live action series.
It’s worth stressing, however, that this latest advertisement for the series in no way, shape, or form suggests that there will be a live-action adaptation of the series coming soon. Instead, Shueisha seemingly chose to take a unique approach to promoting the release of the manga’s 27th volume domestically in Japan.
Author and illustrator Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen manga series first began serialization in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in March 2018. The manga is still ongoing and regularly serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump today. With the release of volume 27, 245 of the manga’s 262 published chapters have now been collected into compilation volumes.
The series was adapted into a television anime by MAPPA Studios in October 2020, running for 24 episodes total. This was followed by a second season in July 2023, which ran for 23 episodes total. A third season has been confirmed as in production, but no other release information has been made available as of this article’s writing.
Related links
- Jujutsu Kaisen Live-action project confirmed with a July release date
- 7 Jujutsu Kaisen characters who perfectly represent the Seven Deadly Sins
- Jujutsu Kaisen official art gives Yuji and Choso the happy ending Akutami never did in the manga