On Sunday, April 21, 2024, the official staff on X unveiled the cover image for Kagurabachi volume 2. The illustration depicts Genichi Sojo, the first major antagonist of the series, engaged in combat against the protagonist, Chihiro Rokuhira. The volume is slated to release on May 2, 2024, but it's up for pre-orders.
Kagurabachi volume 2 has become highly anticipated among fans following the phenomenal success of the first volume, which sold over sixty-five thousand copies in Japan and worldwide.
Although the previous volume was in Japanese (the English version will be released in Fall 2024), several global fans purchased copies to support Takeru Hokazono's series. As such, fans are also excited about the release of volume 2.
Kagurabachi volume 2 cover picture shows Genichi Sojo wielding Cloud Gouger to face Chihiro and his Enten
The X account of Takeru Hokazono's battle shonen manga series (@Kagurabachi_X) unveiled the official cover picture for Kagurabachi volume 2, showcasing Genichi Sojo and Chihiro Rokuhira, on Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 8:30 PM IST (effectively Monday, April 22, 2024, 12 AM JST).
The cover illustrates the first major antagonist of the manga, Genichi Sojo, wielding the Enchanted Blade, Cloud Gouger, against Chihiro Rokuhira's Enten. Bright sparks emit from the Cloud Gouger as Sojo clashes his blade against Rokuhira's Enten, which is smeared in blood.
Besides the sparks, the cover features a dragon formed from the Cloud Gouger's cloud in the background. The sparks also light up Sojo's face, which looks delirious and delighted. His messy hair, maniacal smile, and fierce eyes are the highlights of the cover.
Kagurabachi volume 2 release date and what to expect
Undoubtedly, the revelation of the cover has fans intrigued. According to Shueisha and the official X handle for the manga, Kagurabachi volume 2 will be released on May 2, 2024, in Japan, on both physical and digital stores.
However, fans can pre-order copies on several Japanese online stores, such as Amazon JP, E-Hon, Tower Records, Honya Club, Yodobashi, and others. Not only fans in Japan but global fans can also pre-order the series' second volume from these stores.
However, the text will be in Japanese. The official staff must still reveal this series's English release for volume 2. It will likely be revealed sooner rather than later. Yet, before that, the first volume is slated to be released in English print in Fall 2024.
Fans expecting Kagurabachi volume 2 may like to know that the volume will have 208 pages. In other words, it will likely cover chapters 9-18 in the manga and showcase the Cloud Gouger retrieval arc.
In this arc, Chihiro Rokuhira finds out about the possessor of the Cloud Gouger blade, an Enchanted Katana forged by his father, Kunishige Rokuhira. He teams up with the Kamunabi, who send a special anti-Cloud Gouger team to retrieve the arc. As such, fans can expect full-on action and lore-building in Kagurabachi volume 2.
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