On Friday, September 20, 2024, Kagurabachi volume 4's cover image was unveiled by the official staff on X. The illustration features Chihiro Rokuhira and Hakuri Sazanami, who play crucial roles in the manga's Rakuzaichi Arc.
The cover shows Chihiro wielding Enten and the Cloud Gouger Enchanted Blades, while Hakuri demonstrates his sorcery powers. The volume is set to be released on October 4, 2024, but it's already available for pre-orders.
The fourth volume has become highly anticipated, given how the manga recently won the NEXT Manga (Tsugimanga) Awards. The battle shonen series by Takeru Hokazono has published 49 chapters so far, with chapter 50 slated to be released on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 12 am JST in Weekly Shonen Jump.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Kagurabachi manga.
Kagurabachi volume 4 cover image shows Chihiro Rokuhira and Hakuri Sazanami teaming up to end Rakuzaichi
On Friday, September 20, 2024, the official X account for Takeru Hokazono's battle shonen manga (@Kagurabachi_X), revealed the cover illustration for Kagurabachi volume 4. It features the protagonist, Chihiro Rokuhira, and Hakuri Sazanami, the deuteragonist of the manga's Rakuzaichi arc.
Chihiro is seen dual-wielding Enten and Kuregumo (Cloud Gouger) Enchanted Blades, while Hakuri Sazanami activates his Sorcery Powers. He hides his left eye, where black Spirit Energy is seen emitting. Interestingly, the latest Kagurabachi volume 4 cover looks a lot bright compared to the previous cover illustrations.
Takeru Hokazono usually chooses a combination of red and black to illustrate covers in which Chihiro Rokuhira features. For example, the first volume cover has a lot of emphasis on red, while the second volume is mostly on darker side. The third volume combines black and white to create a beautiful exposition.
However, Hokazono has chosen white as the color scheme for Kagurabachi volume 4. There's a plausible explanation for this. Chihiro's worldview has become brighter than before with Hakuri by his side.
He's no longer the protagonist who trudges through darkness to seek vengeance. Rather, he has more clarity in his actions. In other words, Hakuri has lit up Chihiro's world, and the latest volume illustration all but confirms it.
Kagurabachi volume 4 release date and what to expect
According to Shueisha and the series' official X handle, Kagurabachi volume 4 is scheduled to be released in Japan on October 4, 2024. The volume will be available in both physical and digital versions.
Interested readers can pre-order the copy on several digital stores, as listed by Shueisha, like Amazon JP, e-Hon, Honya Club, Rakuten, Yodobashi, and others. Fans outside Japan can also buy the volume from these stores.
However, the fourth volume will be available in Japanese version. The official staff has yet to disclose a release date for the volume's English print. Meanwhile, the English-translated first volume will be released on November 5, 2024, and volume 2 on February 5, 2024.
Kagurabachi volume 4, titled Equal, will be 216 pages long, and will feature a total of ten chapters, from chapter 28 (Breach) to chapter 37 (Equal). In other words, the volume will focus on Chihiro Rokuhira and Hakuri Sazanami teaming up to try and defeat Kyora Sazanami to stop the Rakuzaichi auction.
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- Kagurabachi becomes the first major shonen series to receive manga animation in English
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