On Thursday, August 3, 2023, author and illustrator Naoya Matsumoto’s Kaiju No. 8 manga series released a commemorative video for the upcoming anime and volume 10’s release. While the anime is currently slated for a 2024 release window, volume 10 of the original manga series is set to start shipping in Japan on Friday, August 4, 2023.
The video comes alongside the start of a series of teasers and “follow-up reports” ahead of an upcoming announcement, which are set to be made this Saturday, August 5, 2023. Although it’s unclear whether or not the announcement will focus on Kaiju No. 8’s anime adaptation or original manga series, fans are optimistic that the information will be focused on the former.
In any case, the latest promotional video features a live-action version of Kafka Hibino’s titular monster form, complete with practical suits and props. A live-action version of what appears to be Leno Ichikawa can also be seen, with a majority of the video up to that point focused on the making of the Kaiju No. 8 suit.
Kaiju No. 8 promotional video released just two days before upcoming series announcement
The upcoming announcement for the series on Saturday, August 5, 2023, will focus on Kaiju No. 8’s anime adaptation. With a 2024 release window currently set for the series, fans are anticipating some sort of teaser trailer with additional and information on the show, particularly the release date.
This is further supported by the fact that the manga series isn’t particularly in a place where an announcement on its status or story could be made. With the Second Wave arc still progressing through the fights against the various numbered kaiju, there doesn’t seem to be much to discuss in an announcement.
The latest chapter for the series, which was released today, i.e., August 3, further supports this by showing Soshiro Hoshina’s battle against Kaiju No. 12 still going strong. With this in mind, it’s certain that the upcoming announcement will focus on the anime adaptation and likely provide a narrower release window for the series.
That being said, it would be in animation studio Production I.G’s best interest to show some scenes from the upcoming production, especially after the flak that their character designs received. Fans even went as far as to compare the appearance of the previously released character designs to Fortnite skins, clearly meant as an insult rather than a compliment.
While fans are hoping to see additional anime footage in the upcoming announcement, nothing is known for sure as of yet. Nevertheless, fans of Matsumoto’s manga series are excited to be getting any anime news, regardless of focus and the depth of information provided.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.