Friday, December 13, 2024 saw the official cast and staff for the Magical Girl Raising Project Restart anime adaptation announced at a fan event organized for the production. Some notable voice actors listed in the series’ cast include the voices of Chainsaw Man’s Power and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures’ Jolyne Cujoh, Fairy Tail’s Levy McGarden, and Danmachi’s Liliruca Arde. There is at least one confirmed returning cast member from the original anime.
Regarding the Magical Girl Raising Project Restart anime’s staff, there are some notable returning staff members from the first Magical Girl Raising Project anime series. While an animation studio has yet to be attached to the project as of the writing of this article, this information should be confirmed in the next batch of news for the series.
Magical Girl Raising Project Restart anime unveils an impressive cast list, core staff members at fan event
Per the latest information, Hiroyuki Hashimoto is returning from the first original anime series as director of the new Magical Girl Raising Project Restart anime series. Takao Yoshioka is also returning from the original to write the script. Masako Itou also returns to design the characters for the new anime based on original designs by original light novel illustrator Maruino. Finally, Satoki Iida will return as the sound director for the series.
Unfortunately, this is the only staff information available as of the article’s writing. As mentioned above, the lack of mention of an animation studio is likewise not an error, with none being announced at press time. However, the franchise’s X (formerly Twitter) account previously teased various initiatives in the works for the project. With this in mind, some of these initiatives could be related to getting top-notch staff involved, including an animation studio.
While the Magical Girl Raising Project Restart anime’s main staff features several returning members, only Nao Toyama is set to return from the original anime as Snow White. Additionally announced starring cast members include:
- Yoshino Nanjō as Pfle
- Reina Kondo as Shadow Gale
- Fairouz Ai as Masked Wonder
- Honoka Inoue as Pechka
- Jenya as Nonako Miyokata
- M.A.O as Rionetta
- Mariya Ise as Clantail
- Maaya Uchida as Magical Daisy
- Hime Sawada as Nokko-chan
- Akari Kitō as @Meow-Meow
- Sayumi Suzushiro as Genopsyko Yumenoshima
- Ami Koshimizu as Akane
- Shiori Mikami as Melville
- Maria Naganawa as Cherna Mouse
- Miyu Tomita as Detec Bell
- Aoi Yūki as Lapis Lazuline
- Megumi Han as Keek
The franchise began as a light novel by author Asari Endo and illustrator Maruino, which started in June 2012 and is still ongoing. A manga adaptation from illustrator Pochi Edoya ran from September 2014 to October 2015. This was then adapted into a 12-episode television anime in October 2016, the same month the Restart manga sequel began. The Restart anime will adapt this story section directly from the original light novel.
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