Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari is one of the most awaited supernatural action anime adaptations of 2022. After it was announced that the series would be receiving an anime television series adaptation in November 2021, fans had a hard time suppressing their anticipation.
It was also stated that the anime would be produced by Bandai Namco Pictures, which is widely acclaimed for its eminent work in the Gintama franchise. Being a popular manga series, fans have huge expectations regarding its anime adaptation.
Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari anime reveals its first look, cast, and staff
On May 17, 2022, Onigunso’s Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari was announced to be getting an anime adaptation through its official Twitter account, its official website, and a new official teaser trailer. Ryuichi Kimura (of Aikatsu! fame) will direct the series along with assistant director Takahiro Okawa.
Keiichirō Ōchi will be the composer, while Shiori Fujisawa and Yuuka Shiga will be the character designers. Kanda John, who is renowned as one of the best J-Pop artists, will collaborate with XELIK in composing the music for Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari.
This is how Seven Seas Entertainment describes the story of Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari -
"When spirits cross over into the human world, they can possess old objects and gain a physical form: a tsukumogami. Tsukumogami can be gentle, violent, or somewhere in-between, so the Saenome clan peacefully helps send them back to the spirit world to avoid destruction. Kunato Hyouma is a member of the clan, but is…less than peaceful, since he holds a grudge from when a tsukumogami robbed him of something important."
"Afraid that Hyouma’s brash anger in dealing with these spirits will lead to supernatural catastrophes, Hyouma’s grandfather sends him to live in Kyoto with Nagatsuki Botan, an unusual young woman who actually lives with tsukumogami like family! Can Hyouma learn to control his emotions when dealing with tsukumogami, or is his own spirit doomed to be possessed with rage forever?
Malevolent Spirits cast
So far, the website has only revealed two voice actors who will be voicing Hyoma Kunato and Botan Nagatsuki. While many characters have been showcased in the official teaser trailer, their voice artists remain a mystery.
Takeo Ootsuka who has voiced Naoyasu Kuguri and Kancho Dede of Haikyuu!! is going to be the voice of Hyoma Kunato. Yuuki Takada, who has voiced Rei Onodera in Kaguya-Sama: Love is War and Takako Nishi of Horimiya, will be the voice of Botan Nagatsuki.