One of the most highly anticipated sequel anime season of the year is Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari season 2, set to continue from the series’ premiere earlier this year. Serving as the television anime adaptation of author and illustrator Onigunsou’s manga series of the same name, it received rave reviews from fans and critics alike upon premiering.
While fans were unsure of what to expect heading into the series, it turned out to be one of the biggest sleeper hits of the Winter 2023 season. Likewise, the hype for Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari season 2 has been buoyed by fans checking out the first season after its conclusion, creating even more of a demand for the sequel season.
Although fans were given slight information on the second season’s production earlier in the month, this latest news from the production team is incredibly exciting. With it, fans got a new key visual for the upcoming season, as well as a release window for Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari season 2.
Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari season 2 set to compete in-season with Jujutsu Kaisen, Bleach: TYBW, and more
As mentioned above, the adaptation team behind announced a release window for the series. Set to premiere sometime during July 2023, the sequel season will presumably air within the Summer 2023 season as a whole. However, the episode order and production approach for the series has yet to be specified as of this article’s writing.
Regardless of how the season is split up, at least part of it is scheduled to premiere during the Summer 2023 season. While no specific release date has been announced as of this article’s writing, fans can expect one in the coming weeks, likely before June is over. However, this is somewhat speculative, with no news on exactly when the official release date is coming.
Alongside the news of this release date came a key visual for Maleveolent Spirits: Mononogatari season 2, with protagonist Hyoma Kunato and new antagonist Karakasa front and center. It was recently announced that Karakasa will be played by Yoko Hikasa, best otherwise known for her work as a theme song artist for several anime series, such as Cells At Work! Code Black, Attack on Titan, and K-ON!. She also voiced Frieda Reiss in Attack on Titan and Farnese in Berserk 2016.
The series focuses on the aforementioned protagonist Kunato Hyouma, who is a member of the Saenome clan and helps send Tsukumogami spirits peacefully back to the spirit world. However, after showing rageful hate for the spirits, he’s forced to live in Kyoto with Nagatsuki Botan, who lives with the spirits like a family. Hyouma must learn to control his emotions when dealing with the spirits or be doomed to be possessed by rage forever.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.