Studio MAPPA's Maboroshi anime film released a trailer on November 26, 2023, and revealed that the title was set to release in January 2024. The film is set to be directed by Mari Okada, a prolific anime director known for writing and producing anime such as Toradora!, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, and her directorial debut film Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms.
The Studio MAPPA film was originally announced in 2021, under the full title Alice to Teresu no Maoboroshi Kojo. The trailer has since been re-released with English subtitles on Netflix Anime's Twitter account and YouTube page.
The Maboroshi anime film: Release date and more details about the upcoming Studio MAPPA film
Release date and streaming platform
The full name of the Maboroshi anime film is Alice to Therese no Maboroshi Koujou (Alice and Therese’s Illusion Factory). The movie premiered in cinemas in Japan on September 15, 2023, and will release on Netflix on January 15, 2024. Netflix Anime announced these details on X (formally known as Twitter) on November 26, 2023.
As of November 26, 2023, the movie is set to stream exclusively on Netflix. While this may change following its release, Netflix has exclusive international streaming rights to the Maboroshi anime film.
The film spans 111 minutes (an hour and 52 minutes) and is produced by Studio MAPPA. It marks Mari Okada's second directorial feature. A lot of the animation staff members from Studio MAPPA anime such as Vinland Saga's second season, Attack on Titan's final season, and Hell's Paradise worked on the film.
Trailer and plot summary
The English-subtitled trailer showcases the Maboroshi anime film's release date, the summary provided by Netflix, and more. After an industrial accident that sees the sky crack open following a steel factory exploding, the town of Mifuse finds itself frozen in time. Frozen in time is an understatement, as any form of change is viewed as inherently evil.
The film focuses on the life of 14-year-old Masamune Kikuiri, who one day finds himself caught between two girls: a classmate named Mutsumi and Itsumi, a girl who acts like a wild wolf.
With the town having no exits and the oppressive rule that nothing changes, things take a turn when Masamune begins developing feelings and falling in love with both women. This may just end up altering the future of their world and fans can't wait to see how the situation unfolds.
The Maboroshi anime film is set for release on Netflix on Monday, January 15, 2024. However, it is important to note that all release dates are subject to change as several Netflix projects have previously been pushed back.