Tuesday, January 7, 2025, saw mangaka Shuichi Shigeno’s MF Ghost manga series officially announced to be ending after the release of its next and final six chapters overall. This news was confirmed via Amazon’s listing of this year’s seventh issue of Kodansha’s Weekly Young Magazine manga publication, which officially revealed the info. It was also confirmed that the series would be entering the climax of its “final battle” in the same issue, shipping on Friday.
Since Shigeno’s MF Ghost manga is serialized weekly, the series is expected to end sometime in mid-February at the earliest assuming no more than one break is taken before then. However, if Shigeno chooses to take multiple break weeks for the series, this will push the series’ ending date range back accordingly.
MF Ghost manga ends in the coming weeks with no news or rumor of a sequel currently circulating
The MF Ghost manga is likely most notably known as a sequel to Shigeno’s original Initial D series, widely considered the best racing manga and anime series of all time. While the sequel series does feature new characters and settings, it also features returning elements from Initial D, most notably in the form of its protagonist Takumi Fujiwara. Likewise, given the series’ status as a sequel, fans are curious if the larger narrative will continue in a third series.
However, as of this article’s writing, no official news or alleged rumors are circulating that suggest a sequel series is on the way. This is unsurprising given that the series itself has yet to officially end, and the fact that four years covered the distance between the conclusion of Initial D and the start of its sequel. With this in mind, fans may be waiting several years before learning of Shigeno’s intention to return to this world with a new story.
Also casting doubt on a third series in the Initial D world from Shigeno is the serialization schedule issues the MF Ghost manga has faced. Serialization began in September 2017, with a hiatus coming in November 2022 due to Shigeno’s poor health. The series returned in February 2023, before going on hiatus in April of that year. The series returned two months later in June, which marked the start of its “final battle.”
Given these health issues and Shigeno’s age of 66 years, it seems more likely that Shigeno will consider retirement from the manga industry. However, this is purely speculative, with no confirmed news on Shigeno’s future as a mangaka in any capacity available as of this writing.
Shigeno’s manga was adapted into a television anime series which first premiered in October 2023 in Japan. This was followed by a second season which premiered in Japan in October 2024. Crunchyroll streamed both seasons as they aired weekly in Japan, and is also streaming an English dub for both.
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