A Migi and Dali anime adaptation of the late Nami Sano's hit manga series is set to release on October 2, 2023, as per an announcement on the series' official website. The anime will air on Tokyo MX and BS11 for fans in Japan. The remaining members of the voice cast have also been announced, adding to the excitement surrounding the title.
This dark series focusing on twins had been long in the making and will also serve as a tribute to the late Sano. The author died of cancer this year and this series was her final work, thus making the Migi and Dali anime a great way to celebrate Sano's life.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Migi and Dali anime.
Sumire Morohoshi, Kotono Mitsuishi, and more to star in Migi and Dali anime
As mentioned earlier, the new Migi and Dali anime adaptation is set to release on October 2. The series had been announced by Geek Toys and CompTown back in late 2021, right after the end of the original manga written and drawn by Nami Sano.
The anime also announced the latest additions to its voice cast. This list includes the likes of Sumire Morohoshi as Metry, Kotono Mitsuishi as Yōko Sonoyama, Takashi Matsuyama as Osamu Sonoyama, Kimiko Saitō as Micchan, Tokuyoshi Kawashima as Akira Ichijō, Akira Sekine as Karen Ichijō, and Romi Park as Reiko Ichijō, Eiji's mother.
The anime also features Shun Horie as Migi, Ayumu Murase as Dali, Shintarō Asanuma as Shunpei Akiyama, Shunsuke Takeuchi as Maruta Tsutsumi, and Kengo Kawanishi as Eiji Ichijō.
Mankyu is going to be the director of the Migi and Dali anime and Ayumi Nishibata is going to be the character designer.
The plot of the title
This manga is a mystery thriller, which revolves around Migi and Dali, the titular twin brothers, whose mother was murdered when they were younger. So, they swore revenge as one of them was adopted by an older couple that never had children. This came after the twins had come to an agreement and kept switching roles.
They decided to go undercover and use the name Hitori to hide their identities so people would not know they were twins. This was because they were looking for the person responsible for their mother's death and wished to uncover the mystery surrounding the same.
Watch the much-awaited anime on October 2, 2023, on Tokyo MX and BS11 in Japan.