Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr-Hunt, a spin-off of the Gundam Iron-Blood Orphans series, will receive an anime movie adaptation, the official website and X (formerly Twitter) account of the series confirmed on November 7, 2023.
This news was accompanied by a captivating teaser trailer showcasing the series' characters. While no release date or window has been given yet, fans are excited about this upcoming project concerning Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr-Hunt.
Earlier, it was revealed that the Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans G mobile game will cease its services on January 11, 2024. As such, the latest announcement has ensured that the series will continue to live on through different mediums.
Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr-Hunt gets an anime film confirmation with a trailer
On November 7, 2023, at 1.02 pm PT (Pacific Time), the official X handle of the Gundam Iron-Blood Orphans series confirmed an anime movie for its spin-off, Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr-Hunt, through a special announcement trailer.
The 1-minute-3-second-long clip teased the characters and highlighted the setting of the narrative. Additionally, it captured the signature tone of the Gundam series with its mecha and action. Yet, neither the trailer mentioned the release date or window for the upcoming anime movie, nor did it reveal information regarding the cast and staff.
The spin-off Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr-Hunt was originally released by Sunrise and Bandai Namco Entertainment in 2019 as part of the game Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans G (also known as Tekketsu no Orphans G).
It featured nine short anime sequences mixed with the elements of the game to form a fascinating narrative. Several members of the Iron-Blooded Orphans anime, including the director Tatsuyuki Nagai, scriptwriter Hajime Kamoshida, character designer Michinori Chiba, and others, worked on the animation.
While Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr-Hunt doesn't have a release date and cast & staff info yet, it should be mentioned that Rina Ikoma voices the main protagonist of the series, Wistario, in the anime game. As such, there's a high possibility that she might reprise her role in the movie.
Considering how the official website and the X handle for the series announced that the game will cease its services starting from January 11, 2024, the latest news of the anime film has reignited the craze for the franchise.
About Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans: Urdr-Hunt
As mentioned, the Urdr-Hunt is a spin-off of the Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans series. Interestingly, the Iron-Blooded Orphans was released as a TV anime in 2015. The official Gundam wiki describes the plot of Urdr-Hunt as thus:
"It is the year P.D 323. Gjallarhorn's political interference in Arbrau escalated into an armed conflict and came to an end thanks to Tekkadan. News of Tekkadan's exploits had also reached the ears of Wistario Afam, a young man born and raised at the Radonitsa Colony near Venus.
It continues:
"Venus, which lost to mars in the initial contest for colony development, is a remote planet in which the four economic biocs have little interest. It is now used as a penal colony for criminals, whose inhabitants don't even have IDs. Wistario, who hopes to change the status quo of his homeland, encounters a girl who claim to be the guide to the "Urdr-Hunt".
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses.