Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury will be the first new TV anime series in the franchise, which will be released after a seven-year-long hiatus. The upcoming installment of the Gundam universe became an overnight sensation after the announcement made on June 17 this year proclaimed that the series is going to introduce its first-ever female protagonist.
During the Gundam Conference Autumn 2022 event, Bandai Namco Entertainment revealed that the series will be released in split-cour. However, the number of episodes each cour will feature remains unconfirmed.
Continue reading the article to learn about the release date, cast, staff, and the people behind mechanical or mecha designs in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury.
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury’s 2nd cour will commence in April 2023
Although the first cour's premiere date was already set for October 2, it was unexpected that Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury would be a split cour series. Before the first cour was even released, Bandai Namco Entertainment surprised Gundam fans by announcing that the second cour would be released in April 2023.
As the specific date is yet to be confirmed, it can be expected that it will be disclosed after the first cour’s conclusion in December 2022. Earlier this year, on July 14, a prequel for the upcoming anime series was screened at every life-sized Gundam location (Yokohama, Fukuoka, Odaiba, and Shanghai) to commemorate the franchise and the release of the new series.
On July 21, 2022, the prologue was screened at Comic-Con International: San Diego. A few days later, on September 4, the prologue aired worldwide on Gundam’s official YouTube channel.
Between the short interval prior to Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury's second cour's release, from January to March 2023, Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash, Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative, and Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt will air.
Here’s how the official website of the anime describes the story:
"A.S. (Ad Stella) 122― An era when a multitude of corporations have entered space and built a huge economic system. A lone girl from the remote planet Mercury transfers to the Asticassia School of Technology, run by the Beneritt Group, which dominates the mobile suit industry. Her name is Suletta Mercury. With a scarlet light burning in her pure heart, this girl walks step by step through a new world."
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury cast
The following voice actors have been cast in the roles below:
- Suletta Mercury: Kana Ichinose
- Ericht Samaya: Kana Ichinose
- Miorine Rembran: Lynn
- Sarius Zenelli: Atsushi Ono
- Elnora Samaya: Mamiko Noto
- Nadim Samaya: Hiroshi Tsuchida
- Wendy Olent: Yō Taichi
- Nyla Bertran: Sachiko Kojima
- Delling Rembran: Naoya Uchida
- Cardo Nabo: Miyuki Ichijou
- Kenanji Avery: Yōji Ueda
- Vim Jeturk: Tetsuo Kanao
- Sarius Zenelli: Atsushi Ono
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury staff
Hiroshi Kobayashi is directing the anime, with Ryo Ando serving as co-director. Ichiro Okouchi is credited as the scriptwriter. Mogumo, along with Marie Tagashira, Juro Toida, and Hirotoshi Takaya, are behind the character design.
JNTHED, Kaneki Ebikawa, Wataru Inada, Ippie Gyoubu, Kenji Teraoka, and Takayuki Yanase are in charge of the mecha designs, while Seizei Maeda, Kanta Suzuki, and Shinya Kusumegi are the mecha animators. Ayumi Satō is the art designer, and the director of photography is Shōta Kodera.
Tomoaki Okada, Kenichi Morioka, Kazushige Kanehira, Junichirō Tamamori, and Yasuyoshi Uetsu are behind the art design, with Kazuko Kikuchi working on color design. Takashi Ohmama is composing the music, and Jin Aketagawa directing the sound. Lastly, Shinichi Miyakaze is in charge of the 3D CG director working alongside studio Sunrise.
Readers can keep up with the latest anime and manga news as 2022 progresses.