The official X (formerly Twitter) handle for Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magainze revealed on Monday, May 13, 2024, that the Mononoke anime movie, titled Karakasa, will receive a manga adaptation on the Comic Days. The manga will start on May 26, 2024, and publish the first volume on July 23, 2024, on Amazon.
Mononoke anime movie is slated to be released on July 26, 2024, in Japan. Notably, the movie was originally planned to hit the screens last year. However, due to various circumstances, mainly due to the production, the movie was delayed. The movie's character designer, Kitsuneko Nagata is set to illustrate the manga adaptation.
Mononoke anime movie gets a manga with Kitsuneno Nagata's illustration
As mentioned earlier, the official X account for Kodansha's Monthly Sirius magazine (@shonen_sirius) tweeted on Monday, May 13, 2024, confirming the manga adaptation of the upcoming Mononoke anime movie, titled Karakasa (paper umbrella). The manga will be serialized on the Comic Days service from May 26, 2024.
Notably, Amazon is listing the manga's first volume, which will be shipped starting July 23, 2024.
It has also been revealed that the Mononoke anime movie's character designer, Kitsuneko Nagata will be in charge of the manga adaptation's illustrations. The series is slated to have two or three volumes.
Aside from Monthly Sirius magazine's X account, Kitsuneno Nagata-san has tweeted about the manga adaptation. His comments in Japanese, when translated to English, reads:
"Following the design, I will now be helping out with the manga. My main job! Thank you." - @n_Kitsuneko on X (Twitter)
Along with the special message, the character designer has also unveiled an illustration, depicting the Medicine Seller from the original movie. More details about the manga will likely be revealed soon.
About the Mononoke anime movie
The film, titled Mononke the Movie: Karakasa, is set to hit the theatres in Japan on July 26, 2024. As mentioned earlier, the movie was previously scheduled to be released in 2023, but it was delayed due to production and staff issues.
Later, in February 2023, it was revealed that Takahiro Sakurai won't feature as the voice actor for the the role of Medicine Seller in the film. Hiroshi Kamiya has been selected to play the role instead of Takahiro-san.
Kenji Nakamura from the original franchise returns to direct the Mononoke anime movie under the production of Twin Engine at EOTA. Kitsuneko Nagata is listed as the character designer, while Taku Iwasaki is the music composer.
Yuichi Takahashi has joined the staff as the animation director, while Shigeru Nishiyama is the editor. Kimiaki Sato and Yuki Sudo are enlisted as the producers, while Yukio Nagasaki is the sound director.
The movie is a continuation of the original TV series, which ran from July 2007 to September 2007, with 12 episodes in total. The narrative for the film is set in Ooku, the women's quarters of the Edo castle, where a certain Medicine Seller purges the Ayakashi born from women's grudges.
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