The My Hero Academia: Vigilantes spinoff manga is ending after its next chapter, scheduled for release on May 28, as per an official announcement. The series is a spinoff to Kohei Horikoshi’s mainline My Hero Academia franchise, with Vigilantes being written by Hideyuki Furuhashi and illustrated by Betten Court.
The series follows three vigilante heroes who want to do help keep the streets of Japan safe in an unlicensed capacity. Along the way, however, they learn that it takes more than just a Quirk and a desire to do good to fight and win against evil.
Follow along as this article covers this recent news, and provides a synopsis of the series’ plot.
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga set to end after nearly 6-year run
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes discontinuation info
As mentioned before, the My Hero Academia: Vigilantes manga is a spinoff to Kohei Horikoshi’s mainline series. The spinoff embarked on regular serialization in December, 2016, via the Shonen Jump+ app.
The manga has received both digital and print English translations via Viz Media, as well as the MANGA Plus service. The series will, unfortunately, be releasing its final chapter on May 28, capping its run at 126 chapters.
Plot synopsis
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes follows central protagonist Koichi Haimawari, a boy who looks up to All Might but couldn’t make the cut to become an official hero. As a result, he uses his Quirk for good deeds in his spare time, without crossing the line into vigilantism.
However, this changes when he encounters some local thugs. He teams up with Kazuho Haneyama and local vigilante Knuckleduster, who recruits Koichi to become a vigilante upon seeing potential in the good-natured boy. Despite not being confident in what they’re doing, Knuckleduster, Koichi, and Kazuho display the courage to try and protect their streets at all costs.
More about the series
The series has developed somewhat of a cult following over its hundred-plus chapter, multi-year run. However, it never quite received the same attention as the mainline series. My Hero Academia: Vigilantes typically averaged just under 25,000 copies sold per volume. For comparison's sake, the mainline series has never sold less than 5,00,000 copies of a volume.
Despite not being very commercially successful, Vigilantes was loved by fans for its lovable characters and its alternate look at the series’ superpowered society. The aspect of following the vigilantes rather than the pro heroes caused skepticism at first, but it slowly won over many fans of the mainline series.
Despite the love from fans, the series could not be prolonged. The reason behind the decision is unclear.
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