Written by Naoki Yamakawa and illustrated by Masashi Asaki, My Home Hero is a suspense thriller manga series. The series falls under the seinen genre, making it more appealing to adults aged 18 and above. The story has a grim aspect to it and caters more toward being grounded in reality.
In this story, fans see protagonist Tetsuo Tosu discovering that his daughter has been physically abused by her boyfriend, Nobuto Matori. As he looks into Nobuto, Tetsuto finds out that Nobuto is connected to a crime syndicate and has a terrifying history of murdering his former girlfriends.
My Home Hero is a thrilling read and is bound to put readers on the edge of their seats. Thus, this quality series getting an anime adaptation should garner some well-deserved hype from fans worldwide.
My Home Hero's manga has sold over two million copies
My Home Hero is one of the best seinen series to be published in recent years. The manga has managed to garner a lot of interest from fans and has sold over two million copies as of June 2022. The story has also been lauded by critics worldwide, with some even comparing it to juggernauts like Breaking Bad.
The success of the manga has led to the series getting its own anime adaptation, which was announced on June 19, 2022. The anime is set to premiere on April 2, 2023, on Tokyo MX, BS NTV, and other broadcasting stations in Japan.
Produced by Tezuka Productions, Takashi Kamei will be seen handling the anime's direction. Other notable cast members include scriptwriter Kōhei Kiyasu, character design artist Masatsune Noguchi and music composer Kenji Kawai.
It's not often that a production house takes risks on a series solely based on the story's merits rather than its flashy fights and over-the-top characters. My Home Hero's quality of writing deserves more hype considering it's almost good enough to be placed in the same bracket as other seinen juggernauts like Monster and Vinland Saga.
The quality of the manga is well-loved, and the grounded yet thrilling story it covers is bound to fill viewers with excitement and dread. The manga getting its own anime adaptation is a plus for anime fans worldwide. They should rightfully hype the series' release so that more people learn about it and experience the story first-hand.
My Home Hero synopsis
The manga follows the story of an ordinary salaryman, Tetsuo Tosu, who learns that her daughter has been physically abused by her boyfriend Nobuto Matori. Learning this, Tetsuo delves deeper into Nobuto's background, which reveals that he is part of a crime syndicate and has a history of killing his former girlfriends.
To protect his daughter from further harm, Tetsuto ends up killing Nobuto out of rage. With the help of his wife Kasen, he safely disposes of the body. However, Nobuto's disappearance caught the crime syndicate's attention, with members growing increasingly suspicious of Tetsuto.
This causes a cat-and-mouse game to be played between Tetsuto and the crime syndicate members, with their actions impacting the life and safety of his family.
As mentioned earlier, the anime will be released on April 2, 2023, on Tokyo MX, BS NTV, and other broadcasting stations in Japan.