On Wednesday, August 23, 2023, the official Twitter account for Netflix’s One Piece live-action series revealed stills of the key Marine figures fans can expect to see in the first season. The reveal also excitingly included a first look at the live-action’s rendition of Transponder Snails, and fans seem to be pleased with the look of it so far.
The specific Marine characters seen in the latest One Piece live-action stills are Vice Admiral Garp, Captain “Axe-Hand” Morgan, Bogard, Koby, and Helmeppo. These characters will be played by Vincent Regan, Langley Kirkwood, Armand Aucamp, Morgan Davies, and Aidan Scott, respectively.
Not much else can be discerned from the scenes wherefrom the images are sourced, but fans are happy with the overall quality seen in the pictures. With the release of the One Piece live-action series just over a week away, fans will have an idea of the series’ overall quality very soon in any case.
One Piece live-action’s Marine forces put on full display in most recent official stills
As mentioned above, the latest One Piece live-action stills don’t reveal much about what’s going on in each scene beyond highlighting the characters present. For example, Garp is seen in what appears to be a very formal outfit, and is speaking into what seems to be a Transponder Snail megaphone. This scene most likely comes from either Roger’s execution, or a scene where Garp is speaking to a group of Marine soldiers.
Bogard, on the other hand, is actually present in two stills. One sees Bogard by himself, in an area that appears to be the Loguetown set based on leaks from when the series was filming. The other still features him in the background with Koby in the foreground. Koby is also in a Marine uniform by this point, suggesting that this scene is centered on the young recruit’s training.
The Morgan and Helmeppo stills are thankfully much easier to assess. Morgan only appears as the antagonist when Luffy is in Shells Town, meaning this scene can only be from that point in the series. Likewise, Helmeppo’s purple suit outfit is also isolated to this section of the story, essentially cementing the context of the image shared here.
As mentioned above, the live-action Transponder Snail is also given its own close-up shot as a part of Netflix’s latest promotional material. The Snail appears to be CGI, and has facial features such as lips and teeth, which match the canonical source material. While the overall body is obviously very realistic, there’s still a clear and concerted effort to match the source material as closely as possible while also being as realistic as possible.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.