Following the special premieres of both Demon Slayer season 3 and Oshi No Ko, Netflix added the anime to their library. The streaming giant is now set to stream the two anime in India, where it was previously only available on two separate platforms and required different subscriptions.
Previously, Demon Slayer season 3 and Oshi No Ko were made available to watch on Ani-One Asia Ultra service and Crunchyroll, respectively. However, both series will now be available on the same platform, as fans will be able to watch them the day after their release in Japan.
All you need to know about Demon Slayer season 3 and Oshi No Ko arriving on Netflix India
Following the one-hour premiere of Demon Slayer season 3, Netflix announced their decision to stream the anime on their streaming service in India. However, it must be noted that the anime will not be available immediately, but the day after its release in Japan, i.e., on Mondays.
Furthermore, Demon Slayer fans from India also have the option to watch the anime early, i.e., on Sundays, if they have a subscription to Crunchyroll, where the episodes will premiere at 11:15 pm IST on Sundays. Fans even have the option to watch the anime in Hindi on the aforementioned platform.
As for Oshi No Ko, the anime was previously only known to be available to stream through the Ani-One Asia YouTube Channel's Ultra service, where the premiere was released immediately after its release in Japan.
However, after its release worldwide on HIDIVE on Wednesday, April 12, the anime's premiere was added to Netflix India's library on Thursday, April 13. This indicated that the anime will be available to watch on Netflix in India one day after it premieres on Japanese TV networks and other streaming platforms.
How fans reacted to the premiere of the two series
Following the premiere of Demon Slayer season 3, fans could not stop expressing their excitement for the upcoming episodes, as the first episode was full of tension, comedy, drama, and some fanservice moments.
The episode did not just manage to reintroduce the characters to the audience, but also set up the future plotline for the series as Tanjiro trained with Yoriichi Type Zero after learning about the same from Love Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji.
Meanwhile, fans of Oshi No Ko had quite a different experience as they were enthralled by the plot and concept of the series.
While the anime initially seemed to be about the entertainment industry in Japan and the plight of struggling idols, the genre changed quite a bit in the final moments of the 82-minute-long episode, as the final events helped set up the drama in the series.
After witnessing the plot of the series, viewers could not stop themselves from praising the series and its writer Aka Akasaka and recommending the anime to everyone.