Following the end of Baki manga's fifth series on June 15, 2023, mangaka Itagaki Keisuke has finally announced the manga's sixth series called Baki Rahen. It will start in Weekly Shounen Champion issue 39/2023, which will be out on August 24, 2023.
Keisuke Itagaki's Baki is a manga series that began serialization back in 1991. Since then, the manga has released five different series. The story follows the story of teenager Baki Hanma, who trains and tests his fighting skills against a variety of different opponents in no-rules, deadly hand-to-hand combat.
New Baki manga series set to start in August 2023
As announced by Weekly Shounen Champion, a new Baki manga series is set to start on August 24, 2023, in the Weekly Shounen Champion issue 39/2023. The manga series will be titled Baki Rahen and will be the sixth in the franchise.
As part of the manga's serialization, it is set to receive one of the rare manga covers for Weekly Shounen Champion. Other than that, the manga will also receive a lead cover page. With that, the series' fans have a lot to look forward to this month.
The Baki The Grappler franchise has released five series till now, namely - Grappler Baki, Baki, Baki Hanma, Baki-Dou, and Bakidou. With the new addition, the franchise is set to be in serialization for more than three decades.
How fans reacted to the announcement
Fans were excited to see that the Baki manga is returning. Hence, they were certain that they will be reading it when it drops. Several fans were shocked that the manga still hadn't ended. Thus, they were starting to feel that the mangaka was trying to stretch the story too much. Nevertheless, they were hoping to see what the new series was set to offer.
That said, fans of the manga were glad that it was not another Baki Dou series and a new series altogether. Hence, they were excited about the same.
Meanwhile, other fans were hoping that the upcoming series would focus much more on the fan-favorite character Jack Hanma. Following the developments in the previous series, fans were hoping to see more of the character. Hence, they hoped that the upcoming series would have an arc that focused on Baki's older half-brother.
That said, several fans also believed that the upcoming manga could shift its focus from Jack. Hence, there remained a possibility that the Baki manga series might take an altogether new route.