The upcoming Doraemon film has released a new trailer featuring a theme song by Vaundy, titled Time Paradox. Aside from the trailer, the official team also revealed the designs for two new characters along with the respective voice actors. Furthermore, the trailer also stated that the Doraemon film will be releasing on March 1, 2024.
The film in question will focus quite a lot on music, since it is a central theme in the plot. The new characters introduced in the film will also be taking center stage as they showcase their singing abilities.
Doraemon film: Trailer, release date, and new characters
The Doraemon film trailer starts with a shot of Nobita encountering Mikka, one of the two new characters in the film. Her singing enchants and captivats him. The trailer then transitions to moments from Nobita’s life in school, where as usual, Suneo and Takeshi Gouda (Jiyan) were seen bullying him.
They also seemed to have a new music teacher and Nobita is seen struggling when it comes to playing what resembles a clarinet.
The trailer then showcases Dorameon’s most popular gadget - the Anywhere Door, which transports them into a new world, known as Mushiika. This is where Mikka hails from, and music seems to be a big part of this town. Nobita and his gang seem to be embarking on a music filled adventure filled with danger. As stated earlier, the Doraemon film will be making its debut on the big screens on March 1, 2024. Fans will have access to more details as the year progresses.
New characters and the respective voice actors
The upcoming film will be introducing three new characters. One of them is Miina, who is a popular singer in the film. She has a prosperous career in singing, and seems to have found success abroad. Miina has a unique hair color which fades from red to blue towards the tips. This character will be voiced by Kyoko Yoshine, who has also played Aya Chiyono in Seven Days War.
The other character is Mikka, who made an appearance in the trailer. She is from a place known as Mushiika, known for having an abundance of “fare,” which is what people of that world consider music. This character will be voiced by Riana Hirano.
Accompanying Mikka is Chapekku. This is a robot who also hails from the Mushiika world. This robot, much like Doraemon, takes care of Mikka in her world. Chapekku will be voiced by Kokoro Kikuchi, who has voiced characters like Akito from Air Gear and Jin Tachibana from Chaos;Child
More about Vaundy
Vaundy is a popular Japanese music artist who started making a name for himself back in 2019. His breakthrough song, Tokyo Flash, was released in 2020 and has nearly 69 million streams.
Vaundy is known for his groovy slow-paced music that highlights funky basslines and pairs it with soothing vocals. Aside from providing the theme soundtrack for the Doraemon film, he has also produced theme songs for shows like Chainsaw Man and Ranking of Kings.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.