Gege Akutami’s Jujutsu Kaisen series has recently had illustrations of two characters, Satoru Gojo and Toge Inumaki, by another artist. With both characters being absent from the series for quite some time, fans are excited to see these new illustrations of the two.
The illustrations are done by Masayuki Kojo, a bujinga artist who specializes in the painting of warriors. The bold and sharp-yet-rough style of the illustrations perfectly matches Kojo’s other work. As a result, fans are now hoping to see Gojo and Inumaki in the Jujutsu Kaisen series yet again. In fact, some Twitter users are contending that the illustrations may be a sign of things soon to come in the manga.
Jujutsu Kaisen bujinga illustrations have had fans curious if a Gojo and Inumaki return is imminent for the series
Kojo’s Jujutsu Kaisen illustrations were first posted to Twitter by reputable series leaker @king_jin_woo, best known by their profile name of Myamura. They posted the Gojo and Inumaki illustrations to their profile in separate tweets, each of the tweets being sent out around 10 pm EST on Wednesday, February 22, 2023.
The illustrations are particularly significant to the series’ fanbase because it has been a long time since either Gojo or Inumaki appeared in the manga. The former has been imprisoned in an alternate dimension known as the Prison Realm. Meanwhile, the latter has been sidelined since the Shibuya Incident arc after losing his arm to Yuji Itadori after his body was taken over by Sukuna.
While the illustrations aren’t from Akutami himself, they could be signs that both Gojo and Inumaki will be returning to the manga soon. However, this is purely speculative, with no leaks, rumors, or recent story events indicating as much as of this article’s writing.
Masayuki Kojo's illustrations of Gojo and Inumaki have had the fandom begging Akutami to bring the two back into the manga
Reactions to the illustrations of Gojo and Inumaki have made the Jujutsu Kaisen fans beg Akutami to bring the two fan favorite characters back. The majority of the fan reactions under @king_jin_woo's post express surprise or anticipate an excitement about the return of the two sorcerers.
However, there are certain complications to bringing each back. Gojo is currently trapped in the Prison Realm with Hana Kurusu, the one who can open the Realm, currently in mortal danger. In the meantime, Inumaki is free in the real world but had lost an arm his last time in combat, making his current fighting prowess and jujutsu skills questionable.
That being said, Gojo may be able to return via Yuta Okkotsu’s ability to copy Cursed Techniques if Hana Kurusu dies. Likewise, Inumaki may be able to get his arm back if he can find someone who can both use and project Reverse Cursed Technique.
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