The recently aired third episode of NieR: Automata Ver1.1a garnered a positive reception worldwide for following an original story. Although it was cited earlier by Yoko Taro, the director and creator of NieR: Automata, viewers who were well-acquainted with the plot of the original video game had their doubts after the series’ debut.
However, with the third episode, the series looked promising to fans, and with the recently introduced characters, the hype for what comes next is unflagging. Unfortunately, episode 4 and future episodes have been delayed after the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the production schedule.
NieR: Automata Ver1.1a is yet to announce the new schedule
On Saturday, January 21, 2023, the official Twitter account for NieR: Automata Ver1.1a announced unfortunate news about episode 4 and beyond getting delayed after a major COVID-19 outbreak. The anime production committee has said that the production schedule has been affected after the spread of a new coronavirus variant.
Here’s what the production committee of NieR: Automata Ver1.1a had to say about the unfortunate circumstances affecting the series’ original schedule (source: NieR: Automata Ver1.1a official website and Twitter account, translated from Google Translate):
"About the postponement of broadcasting and distribution due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection:
"Thank you for your continued support of the TV anime "NieR: Automata Ver1.1a".Due to the impact of the spread of the new "COVID-19" variant on the video production schedule, we have decided to postpone the broadcast and distribution of episode 4 and beyond. Therefore, broadcasts by each broadcasting station after Saturday, January 28, will be rebroadcasts of episodes 1 to 3."
The statement further read:
"Regarding the broadcast and distribution schedule from episode 4 onwards, we will announce it again on the official anime website and official Twitter in the near future. Although it is a measure based on unforeseen circumstances, we are sorry for causing trouble and worry to all the fans looking forward to work. Thank you for your understanding. Council of Humanity."
Although there is yet to be a citing about the situation the production house of the series, A-1 Pictures, is in, it can be surmised that the studio might delay other anime as well. Instead of the fourth episode, NieR: Automata Ver1.1a will re-air the first three episodes of the series on January 28.
Given the statement, it is crystal clear that the situation is much direr, which is why the production committee hasn’t announced the new dates. A potential new release date for the upcoming episodes of NieR: Automata Ver1.1a will be announced after the re-airing of the first three episodes on January 28.
Meanwhile, fans outside Japan can re-watch the released episodes of the series exclusively on Crunchyroll.