The animated adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s record-breaking manga of the same name, One Piece is regularly watched and enjoyed by millions of viewers from all over the world. Since October 1999, when the first episode premiered on Fuji TV, Toei Animation has been working with a steadfast commitment to bring to life the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy and his comrades.
The anime is now adapting the Egghead Arc, which sees Luffy and the others involved in the incident caused by the World Government’s attempt to murder Dr Vegapunk. Based on the anime’s upcoming schedule, the next episodes will adapt some of the most compelling moments of the arc.
The One Piece anime's upcoming schedule
With a post on his personal account on X, a reliable source, @pewpiece has recently revealed the titles for the next three episodes of the One Piece anime:
- Episode 1117: "Sabo's Return! The Revelation of a Shocking Truth!"
- Episode 1118: "Turmoil at the Holy Land! A Powerful Strike from Sai & Leo!"
- Episode 1119: "The Entrusted Message! King Cobra's Resolve"
While the air dates for two of these episodes remain unknown, it’s safe to say that they will be broadcast within September 2024. The titles confirm that, at least for the time being, Toei Animation will continue to adapt the manga’s original content.
Based on their titles, these episodes will focus on Sabo’s flashback of the recent Reverie. Fans will finally be able to learn what happened during the tumultuous council, including the actions of the Revolutionary Army, and the circumstances behind Nefertari Cobra’s death.
Compared to the usual slow adaptation, the pace seems to have increased, as at least one of the forthcoming installments will have a 1:1 manga chapter-to-anime episode ratio.
Without going into further details, as the episode titles already paint a decent picture of what’s to come, episode 1117 will likely adapt the entire content of chapter 1083. Episode 1118 will animate part of chapter 1084, while episode 1119 will presumably complete the adaptation of the same chapter.
At the moment, the only certain air date is that of episode 1117, which is set to be released on Sunday, September 1. The air dates of episodes 1118 and 1119 remain uncertain due to the anime's frequent sudden breaks. Assuming that there are no breaks, episode 1118 will be released on Sunday, September 8, and episode 1119 will be released on Sunday, September 15.
According to @pewpiece, in September 2024 the One Piece anime will also replace the current ending theme, Maki Otsuki’s “Dear Sunrise”, with a new theme song performed by the Japanese boy band BE:FIRST. However, no further information on the subject is available at the time of this article’s writing.
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