One Piece, the popular anime series, has always been known for its thrilling adventures and exciting battles. In One Piece episode 1062, The Three-Sword Style of the Supreme King! Zoro vs. King, fans were in for a delightful surprise. During a fight between Zoro and King, viewers spotted a hidden Easter egg in the form of an Arabic phrase.
This Easter egg has sparked a lot of excitement among One Piece fans, with many expressing their delight and praise for the animators who went above and beyond to add humor to the thrilling battle.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the anime.
Arabic Easter Egg in One Piece episode 1062 sparks social media frenzy
After the episode aired, keen-eyed fans on social media noticed something intriguing during the fight between Zoro and King. For a fraction of a second, a frame displayed an Arabic phrase,
"انا احب المعكرونة"
This translates to,
" I love pasta or I love macaroni."
This subtle inclusion was a playful addition by one of the One Piece animators, and it quickly caught the attention of observant viewers.
The climactic moment occurs when King unleashes his ultimate attack, summoning multiple serpent-like dragons. During one of the intense close-up shots of these dragons, the Arabic text appears for a mere fraction of a second. This fleeting moment makes it incredibly challenging to spot the hidden message without careful observation.
The specific frame can be found in the episode 1062 at the 18:48 mark. Fans were quick to share their findings on social media, sparking widespread excitement and appreciation for this clever Easter egg.
Social media platforms were abuzz with discussions, with fans expressing their delight and sharing screenshots of the frame. Many praised the animator's creativity and attention to detail. The unexpected addition has sparked hopes for more hidden surprises like this in future episodes, leading to increased anticipation among the fan community.
Episode 1062's Impact
The inclusion of the Arabic phrase has undoubtedly contributed to the episode's popularity and positive reception. Episode 1062 has received high praise from viewers, earning it an impressive rating on platforms like IMDb. Currently, the episode stands as one of the highest-rated episodes in the entire series.
The series has amassed numerous 10/10 ratings and has garnered a significant amount of positive feedback on social media. Fans have declared it as one of the best One Piece episodes released this year.
As One Piece continues its thrilling Wano Arc, fans eagerly anticipate the upcoming battles and storyline developments. The discovery of the Arabic Easter egg in episode 1062 has heightened fans' expectations, as they hope for more surprises and hidden references in future episodes. This unexpected addition has showcased the creativity and dedication of the production team, further solidifying the bond between the series and its passionate fan base.