The manga community was taken aback when Eiichiro Oda, the renowned creator of One Piece, recently praised Gege Akutami, the author of Jujutsu Kaisen, as a "serious" and "noble person." Oda's comment emerged following their meeting as jurors for the 26th Tezuka Osamu Award ceremony, a prestigious event that recognizes manga artists and creations aligned with the Osamu Tezuka manga method.
The unexpected commendation left fans confused, as their perception of Gege Akutami is entirely different. With his mysterious persona and one-eyed cat signature mark, fans struggled to reconcile Oda's characterization with their own impressions. Twitter erupted with amusing speculations, questioning whether Oda was joking or if there was more to Gege Akutami than meets the eye.
Eiichiro Oda's surprising comment on Gege Akutami confuses fans
The confusion stemming from Eiichiro Oda's praise for Gege Akutami revolves around the stark contrast between the creator's public image and Oda's description of him as "serious and noble."
Fans find it hard to believe that someone who has never shown their face in public and is associated with a distinctive one-eyed cat symbol could possess such qualities. Gege Akutami's mysterious persona has only deepened the intrigue surrounding him, leaving fans curious about the true nature of the creator behind Jujutsu Kaisen.
The reactions on Twitter were filled with humor and disbelief as fans grappled with Oda's comments. Some fans speculated that Oda might have been joking, playing with the fandom's expectations. Others pondered the possibility that Gege Akutami's public persona was a deliberate façade, concealing a serious and noble individual.
The mystery surrounding Akutami's identity further fueled these theories, making fans eager to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic creator. Nevertheless, Oda's statement highlights his respect and admiration for the Jujutsu Kaisen creator, with all its implications.
All about the 27th Tezuka Osamu Award ceremony
As the manga community eagerly awaits the 27th Tezuka Osamu award ceremony, scheduled for June 8, 2023, the focus shifts to the prestigious event itself. The Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prize, supported by Asahi Shimbun, is an annual celebration of manga artists and creations that embrace the spirit of Osamu Tezuka, the legendary creator of Astro Boy.
This year's judges comprise experts from all over the industry, including Osamu Akimoto, Machiko Satonaka, Minami Takahashi, Yukiko Tomiyama, Shohei Chujo, Nobunaga Minami, and Taro Yabe. This diverse group of experts reflects the broad nature of the manga industry and the diversity of perspectives on the art form.
The award ceremony consists of several categories, such as the Grand Prize, which recognizes excellence throughout the year; the Creative Award, which celebrates creators with innovative and epoch-making expressions; the Short Story Award, honoring outstanding short-form works; and the Special Award, acknowledging individuals or groups that have contributed to the expansion of manga culture.
The 27th Tezuka Osamu Award, with its emphasis on excellence, innovation, and the advancement of manga culture, celebrates the art form and the creators who continue to inspire and impact the world.