A collaboration between the two smash-hit manga series, One Piece and Detective Conan, was announced earlier today. The video features iconic manga panels from both series’ lengthy runs, with One Piece recently passing 1050 chapters and Detective Conan approaching chapter 1100.
No translated version of the video announcement is currently available, but fans in replies to the tweet claim it to be an interview with the mangaka of both series. This would be One Piece’s Eiichiro Oda, and Detective Conan’s Gosho Aoyama.
Follow along as this article fully breaks down all currently available information on the upcoming interview collaboration.
One Piece, Detective Conan mangaka set to conduct interviews with one another beginning July 25
Currently available info
As mentioned above, a collaboration between the One Piece and Detective Conan manga series was announced earlier today. The video has yet to be translated into English, but those in replies to the video tweet claim the collaboration to be interviews with both mangaka.
For One Piece, this would be author and illustrator Eiichiro Oda, and for Detective Conan that would be author and illustrator Gosho Aoyama. The two will most likely be interviewing one another, or at least be interviewed together simultaneously by a third party. However, no official source has confirmed this, making it purely speculative as of this writing.
Two dates are posted at the end of the video, those being July 25 and July 27. These will most likely be the two dates the interview for each mangaka is released, further supporting the idea that Oda will interview Aoyama, and vice versa. If the two were being interviewed by a third party at the same time, there would most likely be only one release date.
Fans are excited over the recently announced collaboration, with many fans citing the two to be some of their absolute favorite manga and anime series. It seems that, despite the two series coming from different publishers and having varying degrees of international acclaim, many people are fans of both.
Other fans are choosing to take the opportunity to make some great jokes, such as having Shinichi Kudo (Detective Conan protagonist) solve all the mysteries in the series. While this does seem to be a mangaka interview rather than a collaboration of the two series themselves, these jokes are still nevertheless fun to make and witness.
Nevertheless, fans seem excited over the interview, with many replying to Twitter user @Orojapan1’s post featuring the aforementioned announcement video. One user hilariously makes a joke that Shinichi is a part of CP0, which is again unlikely given some fans claiming the announcement to be interview-based, but still funny to think of.
No word on any official subject matter for the interviews is currently available as of this writing. But given that the two series are among the longest-running in manga history, this will probably come up frequently in each of their interviews.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece and Detective Conan anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.