This Saturday, September 9, 2023, saw fans discover an intriguing Easter egg during the events of the recently released first season of Netflix's One Piece live-action. Following reports and comments from Nefflix officials that the second season’s script has already been completed and could be airing in 12-18 months, the Easter egg has certainly piqued the fandom's interest.
While the second season of the One Piece live-action series won’t go as far as the Thriller Bark arc, it’s clear that Netflix is aiming to eventually reach that point. The latest discovered Easter egg proves this, showcasing a news report that actress Victoria Cindry tragically died on stage.
Victoria Cindry, better known as just Cindry, is a character whose storyline is essential to the Thriller Bark arc, playing a key role in motivating certain Straw Hat pirates to action. While the One Piece live-action series won’t be getting there for quite some time, it’s clear that they intend to lay as much groundwork as possible for all future seasons.
One Piece live-action staff’s dedication continues to shine through with latest teaser discovery in season 1
The poster detailing Cindry’s death is seen in the One Piece live-action series during Usopp’s flashback sequence, which keeps in line with the canonical source material. In the original manga, Cindry died roughly 10 years before the start of the series. However, with the poster being included in Usopp’s flashback, the original timeline is still ongoing.
As such, it allows the showrunners to tease what could be coming in future seasons while still keeping the focus on the here and now. Similar teases have been done at other points in the first season, such as the wanted posters for Cavendish, Foxy, and Bellamy being seen on a bulletin board Luffy and Koby look at in Shells Town.
While some fans are calling future seasons of the adaptation too ambitious to be realistic, it’s clear that Netflix and the series' staff are of a different opinion. Moreover, fans are receptive to this level of attention to detail and preparation, with replies to the tweet pointing out the Easter egg being an intentional inclusion within the series.
Despite the controversy surrounding the adaptation in its pre-release window, long-time franchise fans and those new to the story are raving about the live-action’s quality. Many online have already shared their experience of starting with the live-action before picking up the anime or manga, expressing how grateful they are to have been exposed to the series by the live-action.
With news of the second season’s script having already been published, it seems that fans may be getting one more season of the One Piece live-action series. While reaching Thriller Bark is still uncertain, it’s clear that all options for future installments are still being left open.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.