On Thursday, August 3, 2023, fans got an early look at the One Piece live-action wanted poster for central protagonist Monkey D. Luffy ahead of the series’ late August premiere. The American retail clothing chain Hot Topic, well known for its offerings of various anime merchandise, released photos of the shirt featuring the poster.
The exact formatting and colorway of the wanted poster, as seen on the shirt, will likely change in the poster’s actual appearance during the show. Thankfully, fans can get a rough idea of what the actual poster will look like in the One Piece live-action series thanks to various other wanted posters being seen in the full-length trailer.
In any case, fans will get the full look at Luffy’s wanted poster and more once the series officially releases on Netflix worldwide at the month’s end.
The first look at One Piece live-action shirts shows fans Netflix’s accurate adaptations via Luffy’s wanted poster
With the One Piece live-action series set to release on Netflix on Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 12 am Pacific Standard Time, fans are just weeks away from experiencing the adaptation. Although its production has garnered some criticism, the recently released full-length trailer has persuaded many naysayers to give the series a chance and only boosted the excitement of those who were already optimistic.
Surprisingly, the early look at Luffy’s monochrome wanted poster in the live-action adaptation has only furthered the effect that the full-length trailer had on fans, as discussed above. Subtle attention to detail, such as the positioning of Luffy’s hand and the inclusion of Usopp in the poster’s background, has fans praising Netflix’s clear efforts at producing a faithful adaptation.
Also read: One Piece live-action reveals first look at Straw Hat Pirates as children ahead of premiere
By going to such lengths over relatively minor aspects of the production, it shows that the production team behind the adaptation was invested in creating a good-faith product.
In any case, fans will be able to come to their own conclusions on the adaptation’s overall quality in a matter of weeks. Viewers on both sides of the camp, in terms of expected quality, are happy to see the release date at hand, albeit for drastically different reasons. Nevertheless, there is a clear and palpable anticipation from fans for the upcoming adaptation, whether audiences are excited to rip it apart or see the first high-quality live-action anime adaptation.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.