Tuesday, August 15, 2023, saw the official Twitter account for Netflix's One Piece live-action adaptation reveal an exciting first look at the Straw Hat Pirates as children. The early looks come just weeks before the series' official global premiere on Netflix on Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 12 am Pacific Daylight Time.
While fans had known who was cast as each childhood Straw Hat, except Usopp, for months now, the latest image by Netflix is the first fans have seen of them in costume for the role. Likewise, one of the pictures gives an exciting and encouraging look at another character set to appear in the One Piece live-action series by nature of the shot used for the reveal.
Although the overall series is still somewhat controversial amongst fans, those who are looking forward to Netflix's One Piece live-action series were excited about this news.
One Piece live-action series begins buildup to global release by showcasing young Straw Hats in new visuals
As mentioned above, the tweets by the official Twitter account of Netflix's One Piece live-action series feature one shot of each of the Straw Hat Pirates as children. Obviously, only those crewmates set to appear in the first season have been included, meaning fans get a look at Luffy, Usopp, Zoro, Sanji, and Nami as young children.
While not much can be divulged from a single still image, fans are pretty satisfied with what they're able to see. For example, young Sanji (played by Christian Convery) appears to be wearing an outfit canonically similar to what he wore during his time on the Orbit. This would also suggest that Sanji is on the Orbit in this scene, showcasing Netflix's dedication to keeping with canon material.
There's not much that can be said about Usopp and Luffy's photos, as they merely see the two of them in their typical childhood environments. Usopp appears to be in a small building, most likely the home he and his mother shared, while Luffy (played by Colton Osorio) is unsurprisingly playing around the harbor of Foosha Village.
Zoro's picture is somewhat more telling, featuring him wielding a sword in each hand as a young child (played by Maximilian Lee Piazza). He's also shown to be wearing a dark green robe at this point, which is different from the sleeveless training outfit he dons as a child in the series' source material.
Nami's image is arguably the most telling of them all, as it features a first look at both childhood Nami (played by Lily Fisher) and her adoptive mother, Bellemere. While Bellemere is only seen from the back, fans are excited to get their first look at the character's live-action rendition.
Be sure to keep up with all One Piece anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.