The One Piece franchise maintains its unwavering popularity as one of the renowned Big 3 anime and continues to create milestones one after the other. The series has an overarching plot and is loved for its detailed storyline, fascinating characters, and original setting.
Over the past two decades, fans have witnessed major improvements in animation, which has made them grow more attached. Apart from the anime, the creator of the series, Eiichiro Oda, has also garnered a lot of praise for releasing the manga in several translations.
Not unknown to us, the One Piece manga has a long list of accomplishments, but its most recent victory—selling more than 500 million copies worldwide—has made history.
With over 500 copies published One Piece manga smashed Guinness World Record
On Thursday, August 4, 2022, Shueisha, the leading publishing company in Japan, made an announcement that Eiichiro Oda’s manga has surpassed 500 million copies with the release of its 103rd volume. After crossing this threshold, One Piece became not only the first manga to achieve such accomplishments in Japan but also became the first comic series to pull off this breakthrough in the entire world.
Over 416,566,000 copies, both printed and digital, have been sold in Japan. The remaining 100 million copies have been distributed throughout the world in 60 different countries and other regions. Earlier in 2015, the manga set a Guinness World Record of over 320 million copies published. Additionally, in 2015, Oricon revealed the top-selling manga sales list, in which four volumes of One Piece from 76 to 79 secured the top four spots.
The Editor-in-Chief of the series received the Guinness World Record certificate on behalf of the entire team. The certificate congratulating Eiichiro Oda and the team mentioned "the most copies published for the same comic book series by a single author."
With the manga finally reaching the conclusion of the Wano Country arc and the international release of One Piece Film: Red in the fall of 2022, fans are finding it difficult to contain their excitement.
Here's how One Piece Film: Red's official website describes the plot:
"The story takes place on an island where Uta, the world’s favorite diva, performs for the first time in public. Uta’s singing voice, which she sings with while concealing her true identity, has been described as “otherworldly,” and while the venue is filled with Straw Hats led by Luffy, pirates, navy, and fans from all over the world who have come to enjoy her voice, Uta’s voice is heard in a new light. The curtain rises on the story with the shocking revelation that she is "Shanks’ daughter!""
Be sure to keep up with the latest anime and manga news as 2022 progresses.
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