Wednesday, September 20, 2023, saw Netflix unveil the official trailer for the Onimusha anime, an adaptation of CAPCOM's game of the same name, and also announce the series' release date. The streaming platform also released a key visual alongside the trailer, which confirms the series' early November debut.
An apparent full cast and staff list for the Onimusha anime series has also been released alongside the trailer and key visual. The anime's main theme song has also been announced, seemingly suggesting that there will only be one theme for the title rather than an opening and ending theme each.
As mentioned above, the Onimusha anime is set to be an adaptation of CAPCOM's Sengoku-era survival action games of the same name, which initially debuted in 2001. The games typically retell stories from the Sengoku era, but add in various supernatural elements. The latest game in the series, which was a remaster of a previous entry entitled Warlords, was released globally in January 2019.
Mushashi Miyamoto set to be brought to life in upcoming Onimusha anime series on November 2, 2023
The Onimusha anime series is set to release on Thursday, November 2, 2023. While no release time has been confirmed, the series will most likely become available on the platform at 12 am Pacific Daylight Time, in keeping with Netflix's typical release schedule.
The trailer for the series reveals and previews the main theme song The Loneliest by Måneskin. The cast for the series includes Akio Otsuka as Musashi Miyamoto, Toshihiko Seki as Kojiro Sasaki, Houchu Ohtsuka as Kensuke Matsui, Daiki Yamashita as Sahei, Subaru Kimura as Goro-Maru, Katsuyuki Konishi as Heikuro, Kazuyuki Okitsu as Kaizen, Makoto Furukawa as Gensai, Aya Yamane as Sayo, and Ryohei Kimura as Iemon.
Shinya Sugai is directing the anime at Sublimation Studios. Hideyuki Kurata and Koji Endo are composing the music. Shochiko is credited for historical supervision. Keiji Tsuji is the stunt coordinator, while Kim Jung Gi is credited for the character designs. This is with the exception of Miyamoto Musashi, whose design is credited to Manilyn Toledana. Takashi Miike is serving as the supervising director for the series.
The series will use the late prolific actor Toshiro Mifune of Rashomon and Seven Samurai fame as the model for Miyamoto Musashi. The original game series from CAPCOM has also previously inspired the Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams film from 2006, which compiles CG-animated footage from the Dawn of Dreams video game and adds extra scenes.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.