Tuesday, December 31, 2024, saw the original television Hibimeshi anime series officially announce its production and 2025 release window alongside a new promotional video. The 15-second promotional video serves primarily as a teaser focusing on the series’ central group of characters, specifically introducing protagonist Mako Kawai. As of this article’s writing, the protagonist’s voice actor has yet to be officially revealed.
The Hibiomeshi anime series also revealed a key visual for the series, also featuring its central group of five characters, with protagonist Mako Kawai in the center. As of this article’s writing, no other character names have been revealed. The anime is notably reuniting several key staff members of the Non Non Biyori anime, including Non Non Biyori’s original creator and mangaka, Atto.
Hibimeshi anime reunites Non Non Biyori staff, receives manga adaptation in 2025
As mentioned above, the Hibimeshi anime will focus on protagonist Mako Kawai, who is a first-year college student living on her own for the first time. Likewise, it is presumed that the other characters featured in currently released promotional material are also college-aged. A tagline on the key visual featuring the five of them reads “Cute X Delicious = The Most Powerful Dishes.”
In addition to the key visual, an illustration was also shared by Quro, the illustrator of the upcoming manga adaptation of the Hibimeshi anime. The manga will be serialized on Kadokawa’s Alive+ website in 2025. Quro’s celebratory illustration features Mako Kawai herself eating an onigiri. Quro also shared a celebratory message, where they note that the project is “a story of female college students who love food.”
As was also mentioned above, the series will reunite the staff of the Non Non Biyori anime. This includes Atto, the mangaka behind the series of the same name which the Non Non Biyori anime adapted. In the Hibimeshi anime, Atto is in charge of character and story concepts, as well as the manga’s storyboard layouts. Non Non Biyori’s Shinya Kawatsura and Yu Harumi are also participating as co-directors of the new anime series at P.A. Works.
Hajime Mitsuda is adapting Atto’s character designs for animation and also serving as the chief animation director. Yoshihiro Hiki is overseeing the series scripts, while Takeshi Takadera is directing the sound. Lastly, Hiromi Mizutani is composing the music for the series. It is expected that more staff will be announced at a later date, likely alongside the reveal of additional cast members for the series.
Atto’s Non Non Biyori manga began serialization in Media Factory’s Monthly Comic Alive magazine in September 2009, running there until February 2021. The series was first adapted into a 12-episode television anime by Silver Link in October 2013, receiving a sequel in July 2015. This was followed by an anime film in August 2018, followed by the third and final television anime season in January 2021.
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