Oshi no Ko’s animation studio Doga Kobo is set to work on a new original anime series titled Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night. On July 28, 2023, the official Twitter account of the series made an announcement that revealed three important details - a key visual, a release window, and the main staff responsible for the production of the series.
Doga Kobo’s quality of work in Oshi no Ko is a big reason behind the hype around the anime. This summer anime fans were treated to some delightful creations such as the second season of Mushoku Tensei, the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead, and Heavenly Delusion to name a few.
Despite these impressive releases, Oshi no Ko certainly stood out. Not only was the source material impeccable, but Doga Kobo also paid a great deal of attention while animating this series. Oshi no Ko’s incredible reception is mere proof of that. With that said, let us take a look at the relevant details surrounding Doga Kobo’s upcoming project - Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night.
Everything we know about Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night - Oshi no Ko studio’s upcoming project
Key visuals and release window
Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night is set to air in 2024 as per the announcement made on Twitter. They also revealed the key visual for the upcoming anime series which places the protagonist at the center of the creative. Additionally, the announcement also revealed a video teaser that had the key visual in it.
Main Staff
Doga Kobo is all set to produce it with Ryohei Takeshita as the director of the series. This talented individual directed Eromanga Sensei and was an episode director for Jujutsu Kaisen as well. Joining him at Doga Kobo is Yuki Yaku who will look after the series composition as well as the script for Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night.
Junichiro Taniguchi will also be a part of Doga Kobo's upcoming project, responsible for the character design department. Taniguchi was responsible for the character design in series such as Prison School, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Tada Never Falls in Love. This incredible group of staff paired with the well-known animation studio certainly has the entire Oshi no Ko fanbase excited for this project.
Another interesting aspect of Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night is that the release window coincides with Doga Kobo’s 50th anniversary. This original anime series has surely piqued the interest of many members of the anime and manga community.
Stay tuned for more updates on Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night anime as 2023 progresses.