Following the release of Oshi No Ko anime, its manga, written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, has managed to surpass Dragon Ball Super, My Hero Academia, and Black Clover as the fifth hottest manga on Shueisha's MANGA Plus.
Oshi No Ko follows the lives of Aquamarine and Ruby Hoshino after the death of their pop idol mother Ai Hoshino at the hands of a disgruntled stalker. However, Aqua was confident that his and Ruby's father must have pushed the stalker to do so, and dedicated his life to finding his father and solving the mystery behind his mother's murder.
Oshi No Ko manga is now the fifth hottest manga on MANGA Plus
Oshi No Ko, written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, has managed to rise up the ranks in the listing for the hottest manga on Shueisha's MANGA Plus.
The manga series currently ranks fifth on the manga list, securing a total of 427,593 views. With that, the manga has surpassed several popular titles, including Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia, Tatsuya Endo's Spy X Family, Akira Toriyama and Toyotaro's Dragon Ball Super, and Yuki Tabata's Black Clover.
While the manga was added to the platform back in April 2020 when it was first released, it became overly popular after the release of the anime, which also managed to rank at the top spot on MyAnimeList for a few weeks.
The story so far: What to expect from Oshi No Ko chapter 117?
After the release of Oshi No Ko chapter 116 on April 26, the next chapter of the manga might see Aqua proceeding with his plan to make a movie based on his mother Ai Hoshino's life. The movie is set to make the identity of his father public, following which Aqua plans to take revenge on Hikaru Kamiki and kill him.
Meanwhile, Akane Kurokawa is planning to stop Aqua from going through with his plan. Killing his father would make Aqua do something unredeemable, following which he might not be himself and turn down a dark path.
As for Ruby Hoshino, she might be trying to deal with the pressure of having to act as her mother in the movie. Frill Shiranui might be able to help her deal with the stress, but eventually, it all boils down to Ruby's connection to her mother and how she is able to express her mother's feelings and emotions.
The next episode might see the producers of the movie officially appoint Ruby to play her mother Ai Hoshino in the movie.