On Wednesday, January 1, 2025, manga creator Kiwi Tokina announced on Twitter that the Our Fake Marriage manga and its spin-off Our Fake Marriage: Rosé, will both end their serialization in 2025. Additionally, the 99th issue of Kodansha's Ane Friend magazine revealed that the main series will reach its climax, starting the next issue on February 1, 2025.
Kiwi Tokina's Our Fake Marriage (Usokon) was launched in Kodansha's Ane Friend magazine in September 2019. Since then, the manga has released 15 tankobon volumes. On the other hand, the spin-off manga, titled Rosé, has been serialized in the same magazine since January 2021. Kodansha USA publishes both manga in English.
Kiwi Tokina's Our Fake Marriage and Rosé spin-off manga ending in 2025
On Wednesday, January 1, 2025, manga creator Kiwi Tokina reported on his official X account (@tokina_kiui) that both Our Fake Marriage (Usokon) and the Rosé spin-off manga will end their serialization in 2025. However, the mangaka didn't reveal an exact ending date. Tokina-san's announced the news with a drawn illustration of Takumi.
Kiwi Tokina's comments in Japanese, when translated into English, read as follows:
"Happy New Year/ In 2025, both Usokon and Usokon Rosé will be coming to an end. I feel sad that there is only a little time left, but I will do my best until the end, so please continue to support the series."
Simultaneously, the 99th issue of Kodansha's Ane Friend digital magazine revealed that the main series will enter the concluding narrative with the magazine's next issue, on February 1, 2025. More information about the series' ending will be revealed in the future.
About Our Fake Marriage and its Rosé spin-off
Kiwi Tokina's romance-drama manga series follows the story of Yae Sendo, an ordinary girl who loses her home and job at the age of 29. With nowhere to go, Yae is in distress until she runs into her childhood friend, Takumi.
Yae's friend proposes she live with him in the city, acting as his fake wife. As such, the manga explores Yae and Takumi's unique relationship, which they begin under deceit.
On the other hand, the spin-off manga centers around Remi Nikitani, an elegant and ambitious girl, who plans to take over her father's corporation. She's least interested in settling with anyone for business or political reasons.
Remi believes she doesn't need to "love" someone when she can make her way to the top on her own. However, Remi is thrown into a loop when her father sets her up with Jun Arata, a dashing young man who knows about the girl's unrequited love from the past. While Remi rejects Jun at first, he keeps returning to her life. She wonders whether he's interested in her or wants to just take over the business.
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