Perfect Blue and Requiem for a Dream are well-known works in their respective industries. Recently, an old interview clip of Satoshi Kon, the maker of Perfect Blue anime, has gone viral on the internet, in which he claims that Darren Aronofsky ripped off his work in Requiem for a Dream.
The debate has been going on for years, with many claiming that Darren’s works are beyond “homage.” Satoshi Kon has made so many important anime movies that they have influenced other Western directors and filmmakers. The work of Satoshi Kon has been a significant source of inspiration for Darren Aronofsky, as he has repeatedly copied scenes from Satoshi’s anime in his movies.
Satoshi claimed Darren Aronofsky's inspiration from Perfect Blue was beyond homage
The now-viral interview was conducted in 2007. In the interview, Satoshi Kon talked about a cut that was copied from his work. He also mentioned that he asked Darren about the issue, but the latter claimed it was a tribute to Satoshi Kon.
However, Satoshi Kon said that it was beyond tribute. The claim seems true because the cut scenes from Satoshi’s anime movie and Requiem for a Dream were identical.
On top of that, Darren Aronofsky also made Black Swan in 2010 by copying the works from Satoshi’s anime movie. The movie was almost identical to Perfect Blue. So, it can be said that it’s beyond paying tribute. Such plagiarism of Satoshi’s work caught the eyes of many fans and directors.
Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem for a Dream was mainly based on a book by author Hubert Selby Jr., which goes by the same name as the movie.
Darren Aronofsky is an anime fan. He wanted to purchase the rights to make a live-action remake of Perfect Blue because it had captured his attention so thoroughly, but the deal never happened. Darren was so captivated by that psychological thriller anime movie that he incorporated certain scenes from there.

Darren Aronofsky and Satoshi Kon are both renowned creators. Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue, Tokyo Godfathers, and Paprika are some of the best of his works.
However, Darren Aronofsky is popular for many of his works, such as Requiem for a Dream, Black Swan, and The Whale. Darren Aronofsky also made a documentary film on Satoshi Kon's life in 2021 called The Illusionist. However, many have criticized Darren Aronofsky for exploiting Satoshi Kon’s work for his own benefit.
The issue of plagiarism is a controversial one, and it is not the first time that a renowned filmmaker has been accused of it. In this case, however, the similarity between certain scenes from Perfect Blue and Darren Aronofsky’s Requiem for a Dream is striking.