The Pokémon Horizons anime recently unveiled a captivating key visual and ending theme for its upcoming Terapagos no Kagayaki arc. This animated series follows the enthralling journey of Liko, Roy, and Friede as they explore the vast Pokémon world, unearthing the secrets behind Liko's pendant and Roy's Poké Ball.
Saori Den directs the series, while Daiki Tomiyasu serves as the creative director. Tetsuo Yajima takes on the role of the action director, and Dai Satō supervises the scripts. The opening theme, Heart-Pounding Diary, is performed by asmi featuring Chinozo and "Hello." The ending theme, RVR: Rising Voltacklers Rap, is an image song performed by Minori Suzuki as Liko and Yuka Terasaki as Roy.
Exploring the new key visual and updated ending theme song released by the Pokémon Horizons team
In the Terapagos no Kagayaki arc, a new key visual has been unveiled, showcasing the dual protagonists, Roy and Liko, who take center stage in this captivating story. The key visual also captures the presence of the Rising Volt Tacklers aboard an airship, with a majestic Shiny Rayquaza gracing the background.
The ending theme for Pokémon Horizons, titled RVR: Rising Voltacklers Rap, is a catchy image song performed by Minori Suzuki as Liko and Yuka Terasaki as Roy. With the start of the anime's new arc, Terapagos no Kagayaki (The Brilliance of Terapagos), which began with the 26th episode on Friday, the first ending theme song, RVR ~Rising Volt Tacklers' Rap~, is receiving an update in terms of lyrics and performances.
The members of The Rising Volt Tacklers showcase their talent by delivering unique rap performances about their Pokémon on a weekly basis. Rather than attempting to cover the extensive list of over 1,000 Pokémon in their songs, the new end theme for Horizons takes a different approach.
It focuses on specific species of Pokémon that share common traits. The initial verse introduces Pokémon with "don" in their (Japanese) names, which includes the remarkable Miraidon and Koraidon, owned by Scarlet and Violet, respectively.
The names are then reviewed once more, as protagonist Liko makes an attempt to memorize them. In the following verse, the focus shifts to Pokémon with regional variant forms, such as Rattata and Darumaka. This time, the task of reciting the names is entrusted to the esteemed Professor Friede, who possesses an air of coolness and novelty befitting Pokémon's latest discoveries.
Final Thoughts
The Pokémon Horizons anime recently unveiled a captivating new key visual and an exciting ending theme for its upcoming Terapagos no Kagayaki arc. The key visual takes center stage with the dual protagonists, Roy and Liko, at its heart, while the memorable ending theme, titled RVR: Rising Voltacklers Rap, showcases the incredible vocals of Minori Suzuki as Liko and Yuka Terasaki as Roy.
Pokémon Horizons: The Series marks the eighth installment of the Pokémon anime. This new series introduces a fresh cast of characters and adopts a more linear plot, deviating from previous storylines. Saori Den takes the directorial helm, supported by Daiki Tomiyasu as creative director, Tetsuo Yajima as action director, and Dai Satō overseeing the scripts.