On March 5, 2024, the publishing company Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magazine announced that the Pumpkin Scissors manga series would resume serialization starting on April 6, 2024. The series went on a hiatus starting from March 2020 and will be returning after almost four years.
The series was first licensed by the publishing company Del Rey but was later transferred to Kodansha. The series has 23 volumes in circulation to this day with the latest one published on November 2019. The Pumpkin Scissors manga series also received an anime adaptation, animated by Studio Gonzo and Studio AIC in October 2006, which featured some well-known voice actors.
Pumpkin Scissors manga series to return in April 2024 after four years
The Pumpkin Scissors manga series is written and illustrated by Iwanaga Ryoutarou. The series started its publication in 2002 under Kodansha's Magazine Great. As it became popular and was well-received among fans, the manga series shifted to Kodansha's Monthly Shonen Magazine in 2006.
The Pumpkin Scissors manga series went on a hiatus in March 2020 for unknown reasons. Most fans speculated that the author's health could be the reason the series couldn't continue. Fortunately, the series will be making a return after almost four years in April 2024.
Del Ray, a publishing company, licensed the manga series for English release in November 2007 but only released 5 volumes till August 2009 after ceasing all operations related to this manga series. Kodansha Comics USA took over the series and started publishing it digitally in 2016.
The Pumpkin Scissors manga series also received an anime adaptation in October 2006. The anime adaptation was done by Studio Gonzo and AIC (Anime International Company). Studio Gonzo was merged with its parent company in April 2009 due to financial reasons and has been inactive since 2020.
The anime adaptation of Pumpkin Scissors featured some talented voice actors who are still well-known to this day. The main cast of the series includes Randal Oland voiced by Miyake Kenta (All Might from My Hero Academia), Alice L. Malvin voiced by Shizuka Itou (Akeno from High School DxD), and Oreldo voiced by Toriumi Kousuke (Silva Nozel from Black Clover).
Pumpkin Scissors synopsis
This anime is an action-drama series that takes place after a long war between the Royal Empire and the Republic of Frost. As their war settled down, a girl named Alice L. Malvin led a war relief unit to help people. Her relief unit is called Pumpkin Scissors.
During her journey, she meets Randal Oland, a kind soldier who is haunted by his past. He joins Malvin's side in hopes of starting from a new page but gets infected by a blue lantern, which gives him monstrous strength. Seeing a monstrous being, everyone gets scared of him but Malvin continues to believe in him. Will Randal's kindness overpower his monstrous strength and help Malvin in her journey?
The Pumpkin Scissors manga series will return on April 6, 2024.