Popular anime franchise Detective Conan is set to receive the big screen treatment in India. The rights to distribute the 26th film in this animated series, titled Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine, have been acquired by PVR Pictures, the theatrical distribution arm of PVR Ltd. As such, fans can now anticipate its release in Indian theaters on August 25, 2023.
Detective Conan is a long-running anime series. It has been serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine since 1994. The captivating story centers around Shinichi Kudo, a brilliant high school detective who mysteriously transforms into a child due to the side effects of a drug by a secretive organization. Operating under his new identity as Conan Edogawa, Kudo utilizes his deductive prowess to unravel complex crimes and safeguard those in peril.
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine will be released at the end of August
It was recently announced by the official accounts of PVR that Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine will receive a theatrical distribution in India. As such, the film will be released in the country on August 25. Moreover, for Indian audiences, PVR Pictures will release the official English sub and the Hindi dub of the film.
As for the story of the film, Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine takes place on the island of Hachijo-jima. On the island, brilliant engineers from all over the globe gather to put a cutting-edge facial recognition system to the test. Conan and his friends also go to the island to watch the whales.
However, amidst their innovative work, a female engineer involved in developing this remarkable technology is unexpectedly abducted by a notorious criminal organization called the Black Organization. Their sinister motive? To steal invaluable data stored on a specific USB drive. Conan and his friends must race against time to stop the Black Organization and save the day.
Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine premiered in Japanese theaters on April 14, 2023. It was directed by Yuzuru Tachikawa and written by Takeharu Sakurai, both esteemed contributors to the anime franchise. The movie showcases the beloved cast of characters from the Detective Conan series, with Minami Takayama portraying Conan Edogawa, Wakana Yamazaki as Ran Mouri, and Kappei Yamaguchi as Shinichi Kudo.
International fans are all praises following the theatrical release of Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine
The critics praised the story, animation, and character development of the movie, leading to positive reviews. The box office revenues for the movie exceeded 10 billion yen, making it one of the highest-grossing films in the franchise. It has been dubbed in over 20 languages and released worldwide.
Taking to Twitter, several fans of the series appreciated the animation quality and narrative flow of Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine. Suffice to say, when fans came out of the theatre, they weren't disappointed.
The upcoming release of Detective Conan: Black Iron Submarine is set to captivate anime enthusiasts in India. The film guarantees an enthralling mystery, beloved characters, and exceptional animation synonymous with the genre.
PVR Pictures' acquisition underscores the rising popularity of anime in India and has paved the way for more such releases in the future. August 2023 holds great anticipation for Indian otakus as they eagerly await this exciting cinematic experience.