The highly awaited anime convention, Anime Japan 2023, is finally ready to commence in the following month. This year's schedule, which begins on the last Saturday and Sunday of March, is jam-packed with thrilling and tempting series which are anticipated to make some special announcements.
This is a piece of exciting news for all Re:Zero fans, as the moment they have been waiting for is just around the corner. The anime, Re:Zero, has been confirmed to have a stage at the upcoming convention, Anime Japan 2023 on March 25.
The special stage of the anime will feature voice actors of major characters in the anime. Given that the second season of Re:Zero was also revealed at the same event, Anime Japan in 2019, fans are anticipating the event to bring official confirmation of a third season.
Anime Japan 2023’s Re:Zero stage expected to announce season 3 of the anime
Anime Japan 2023, an annual convention for the Japanese animation world, is scheduled to take place this year from March 25 to 28.
Anime Japan is Japan's largest annual anime event, with hundreds of global corporations gathering at Tokyo Big Sight for a convention that features hit titles in the anime industry.
In recent years, this event has been marked as a prominent hotspot for anime announcements. Fans need to look out for their favorite anime as some major titles like Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Psycho-Pass, and many more have their lineup scheduled for the event this year.
Timing and cast appearance for Re:Zero stage
After the absence of the anime at last year's event, Re:Zero is set to appear in this year's RED STAGE of Anime Japan on March 25, 2023. The time scheduled for Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World is:
- Time - 1.55 pm (JST) Date: March 25, 2023
- Time - 9.30 am (IST) Date: March 25, 2023
- Time - 12 am (EST) Date: March 25, 2023
The anime's Special Stage will feature the main cast members of the series including Yusuke Kobayashi, the voice actor of Subaru Natsuki, Rie Takahashi, the voice actor of Emilia, Yumi Uchiyama, the voice of Puck, and Satomi Arai, the voice actor of Beatrice.
What to expect
The second season of Re:Zero was revealed at the same event back in 2019, and it went on to gain a significant reputation as it introduced new individuals to the fanbase and was widely appreciated on a global scale.
Thus, fans believe it is possible that the third season of the anime will be announced at the event as its second installment came to an end in March 2021.
The anime's third season being confirmed could possibly bring a fresh feel to the existing content and might attract a new group of viewers.
In an interview with Crunchyroll, the producer of the anime also hyped fans by asking them to look forward to the third season. There is also a fair chance of an announcement about a movie being made, given the current trends anime series are following.