Reborn as a Vending Machine episode 1 is set to be released in Japan on July 1 of this year, kick-starting the anime adaptation of the famous isekai light novel series. It is animated by Studio Gokumi and AXsiZ, produced by Slow Curve, and directed by Noriaki Akitaya, with Masayuki Takahashi as assistant director and Yuta Uraki as well as Keita Takahashi making the music.
The popular light novel series, written by Hirukuma during the mid-2010s, was a big success and has become one of the modern classics of the isekai genre. This is due to its characters, world-building, and strong sense of humor. And now, Reborn as a Vending Machine episode 1 is set to kick start the anime adaptation next week.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the Reborn as a Vending Machine series.
Everything that needs to be known about Reborn as a Vending Machine episode 1
Release date
The release date of the first episode is a bit complicated. While it has been announced that is going to kick start on July 5 for the vast majority of people, there are going to be some special premieres in Japan on July 1.
This is very important to point out as these premieres often offer the possibility of scenes, images, and even the entire episode leaking to the general public. Therefore, this is something that can affect the overall impact of the series when it comes to marketing and such.
Where to watch
When it comes to Japan, Reborn as a Vending Machine episode 1 is going to be shown through the television network Tokyo MX. On the other hand, Crunchyroll has licensed the series outside of Asia, so this is the go-to platform to watch the series as it is happening.
As of this writing, there are no more details about other platforms where it can be viewed, or if there is going to be dubbed versions of the series in general. It will most likely depend on the series' success or failure with the anime community.
What to expect from Reborn as a Vending Machine episode 1
The main character is an unnamed young man that works with a vending machine and ends up dying as he gets crushed by it in an accident. However, he is then reborn as a sentient vending machine in a fantasy world, much to his surprise. He can only say generic buzzwords that vending machines have, can hear, can see, and pulls out objects he has bought during his previous life.
He eventually meets a hunter named Lammis and they build a friendship, which leads to them finding other like-minded people and having a lot of adventures together. The sentient vending machine ends up becoming a mighty ally for Lammis in many of her quests, adding to the absurdity of the story and making it all the more charming.