The highly-anticipated anime adaptation of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki manga series has unfortunately been delayed for the third time in its three years of production. The anime was first announced in the summer of 2019. While fans of Junji Ito’s manga works were extremely excited for the anime’s arrival initially, this excitement has only tapered over the years with one delay after another.
Studio Drive employees claim that they need more time to “replicate the quality of the intricate designs and detailed line work of Mr. Ito’s classic manga.” Similar sentiments were echoed when justifying the previous delays, and they have repeatedly referenced their desire to avoid “delivering a mediocre final product.”
Follow along as this article fully breaks down the news surrounding the latest delay of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki anime.
Production team behind Junji Ito’s Uzumaki seemingly having trouble adapting the source material while still doing it justice
As mentioned above, the anime adaption of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki has yet again been delayed for the third time. The news is highly frustrating for fans of Ito’s manga work who have been hoping to see one of his most celebrated stories adapted to the small screen for a while now.
It seems that fans will have to wait until 2023 at the very least for their hopes to come to fruition. The series has now announced its third delay in its three years of production. The adaptation team, which includes the up-and-coming Studio Drive, claims that they’re trying to avoid putting out a “mediocre product,” and are having trouble with Ito’s intricate designs and line work.
While the desire to represent the work of such a respected and revered manga artist accurately is understandable, the series will now be released more than three years after the original date of release. The anime was originally slated to premiere on Adult Swim in 2020. It was once delayed to 2021, and then again to October 2022.
This third and most recent delay has pushed the release date beyond October 2022, likely pushing it back as far as mid-2023. No official release date has been announced following the latest delay, but it is likely that the release window will fall somewhere between early to mid 2023.
The series is slated to be a four-episode mini-series owing to the short length of Ito’s Uzumaki. This means that the series will be easily digestible for viewers, but the lengthy delay for such a short series is quite confusing, if not downright infuriating.
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2022 progresses.