Rent-A-Girlfriend manga author’s popular work, The Shiunji Family Children has announced its anime adaptation along with the studio responsible for its production on the title's official X account. Studio Doga Kobo will be responsible for the anime adaptation. The studio has also worked on plenty of popular anime titles, such as Oshi no Ko and Himouto Umaru-chan, to name a few.
The Shiunji Family Children was originally a manga series that began serialization in Young Animal—Hakusensha’s popular Seinen manga magazine. The first chapter was released in February 2022, and the series is currently ongoing. As time progresses, the animation studio will provide further details surrounding its release.
The Shiunji Family Children announces anime adaptation
As stated earlier, The Shiunji Family Children manga will be receiving an anime adaptation. The announcement was made by the manga title on their official X (formerly known as Twitter) account on July 16, 2024, at 7:03 p.m. JST. Along with the announcement, there was a key visual for the same.
The key visual contained the silhouettes of the main character and the deuteragonists in the anime series. It also contained information about the animation studio responsible for the production of the series - Doga Kobo. The key visual also stated that additional information regarding the anime adaptation would be released in due time.
Doga Kobo is a popular animation studio that has worked on some of the biggest projects. Their latest hit was Oshi no Ko. The studio also worked on a romance movie that is beloved by fans across the globe - I Want To Eat Your Pancreas. Other titles include Koihime Muso, Mikagura School Suite, and Uzamaid!, among others. Fans have high hopes for the anime adaptation of The Shiunji Family Children.
Plot of The Shiunji Family Children in brief
The story of the manga series revolves around Arata Shiunji. He lives with 5 sisters, all of whom share a close relationship with him. When it comes to his love life, his luck with women is terrible. Naturally, this leads to a lot of frustration, and things go downhill for the protagonist. However, one announcement from his father changes his life forever.
One fateful day, his father reveals that he is not related to his sisters by blood. This announcement sets off a chain reaction as he navigates his way through the altered relationships with his step-sisters. This new revelation will create situations that will not only change the nature of his relationship but also test the strength of his bond with his step-sisters.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.
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- Rent-a-Girlfriend season 4 confirmed to be under production
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