A Rick and Morty anime has been confirmed by Adult Swim, with the English dub version set to release on August 15, 2024, and the Japanese one on August 17, 2024. The platform is also releasing a new trailer this Thursday. The project is titled Rick and Morty: The Anime and has already confirmed the English and Japanese voice actors as well.
This Rick and Morty anime is not the only prominent news for this American property as it was also revealed that the Rickmobile and Mortymobile will start a "multi-city ANIME-rican tour" at Comic-Con International in San Diego. This is set to include screenings of the first episode.
It has also been reported that this project will deliver original stories while maintaining the formula of the original series.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers for the series. Any opinion expressed here belongs to the author and not Sportskeeda as a whole.
The Rick and Morty anime has been confirmed with a trailer, release date, voice cast, and more
As mentioned earlier, it has been confirmed that the Rick and Morty anime will come out with an English dub on August 15, 2024, while the Japanese one is set to release on August 17, 2024. This was revealed by the Adult Swim streaming platform, along with a trailer and the promotion of a tour to promote the project, including screenings of the first episode.
The main voice cast staff was confirmed for both the English and Japanese dubs, featuring Youhei Tadano and Joe Daniels as Rick, Keisuke Chiba and Gabriel Regojo as Morty, Akiha Matsui and Donna Bella Litton as Summer, Manabu Muraji and Joe Daniels as Jerry, and Takako Fuji Patricia Duran as Beth.
This series will be 10 episodes long and made by studio Telecom Animation Film (which did the Lupin III movie). This Rick and Morty anime is directed by Takashi Sano, who worked on Tower of God.
The premise of the series
The story focuses on the Smith household as they go through different adventures across many realities, with Rick being the grandfather who also happens to be a mad scientist. His grandson Morty is usually his sidekick during their adventures, and since they have very different personalities, it often leads to a lot of hilarious situations.
It has already been reported that the Rick and Morty anime will feature original material instead of adapting any previous storylines. However, this production will maintain the original animated series' spirit and style.
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